"It says that it's Ursa Minor, and that it's a bear. It's brightest star is Polaris, and there's another constellation called Ursa Major which is right with it. Did you know that it's the 56th biggest constellation? Did you know that--"

The young man laughed before putting a finger to his lips, signing that she should be quieter. Emi stopped her rambling and turned back to the book, quickly flipping through the pages.


"This was so worth the climb."

It was morning and Emi was still asleep. She was sweating and shaking, so Laxus wrapped her in his coat and sat beside her until she stopped. The woman eventually calmed down and slowly opened her eyes to look at Laxus before softly smiling.

"So," Laxus slyly started, "I heard you have a date today."

"How did you--"

"Someone as perceptive as I am can tell."

Emi looked at him before muttering, "You overheard Lucy."

"Yeah. Something like that might've happened. So where are you going?"

"I have no clue, but he said that he'd meet me outside the inn."

"Emi!" Lucy called from the hallway. "Come on, we need to get you ready!"

"Get me ready? For what?"

"Probably your date, remember?"

"Why on earth would I need time to get ready? I'm already dressed."

Laxus shrugged his shoulders before drifting into the bathroom to shower.

"Which one do you like better?" Lucy and Mira held up two outfits - a pink skirt with a patterned top and a short black dress with high socks.

"Um, why can't I just wear what I usually wear?"

The two looked at each other before sighing.

"You need to wear something nice on a date," Lucy explained.

"It will help the date go better," Mira added.

"How exactly...nevermind. I think I'll just wear what I have on."

Emi motioned to her usual outfit before walking to the front door of the inn. Lucy asked her what time she thought she'd be back, and Emi told her that she didn't really know.

"I hope I won't be too long. I wanted to go explore the city with Laxus later."

Emi quietly made her way out into the city and sat at a bench in front of the inn to wait. I really hope that I'm not underdressed now. Maybe Lucy and Mira were right. Emi sighed before leaning her back against the wall. Too late now.


"Dude," Sting addressed the shadow dragon slayer, "what the hell do I wear?"

"Just wear what you usually wear. I don't really understand what the big deal is."

"But Rogue," Lector interjected, "you've never been on a date before. How would you know?"

Rogue looked annoyed at the exceed before turning to Sting again, suggesting, "Well why don't you just wear what you did in the past? I mean you've dated her before. It's not like it's some stranger who you're trying to impress. Just wear what you did back then."

Lector and Sting looked to each other before Lector gave his friend a thumbs up. Sting went back into the room and changed from his sleep clothes to his usual outfit. He gave his goodbyes to his partner and the two exceeds and ran out of the inn and towards Fairy Tail's assigned inn.

Damn I really hope that I'm not underdressed.


Emi was watching as the people in Crocus passed by. She looked up when she heard her name being called and saw that Sting was jogging towards her. He gave a quick "yo" before actually looking at her. They both seemed to look at what the other was wearing and both sighed in relief when they saw that neither of them dressed any differently.

"Um, so where are we going?"

"You'll see!" And with that, Sting took Emi's hand and began to pull her around the city.


"Do you really think that we should be spying on them? I mean this is a kind of serious thing."

"Nonsense," Erza started, "we are just making sure she doesn't get into any trouble."

"Besides," Mira added, "I want to see how this plays out! Two lost lovers finally meet again!"

Lucy and Erza looked over to Mira to see that she had hearts in her eyes. They both sighed before dragging Mira to an alleyway where they would be able to follow Sting and Emi without being seen. 

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