Chapter 8- When 24 Hours Feel Like 24 Years

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Several hours later

"Jay! Jay are you ok?" Hailey said rushing into the place which Jay had been held captive for almost two days.

All the training they had went out the window when she saw Jay's face and shirt covered in blood and panic began to set in.

"Oh my god what did they do. Are you ok?" Hailey said holding his face gently and looking at the cut on his forehead.

"I need to go and help Angela, she's downstairs." He said which made Hailey worry even more. This was the guy she loved walking back towards danger with a head injury and several other injuries with very little back up.

She just froze, not knowing what to say. She knew that nothing could stop Jay from helping people he felt like he needed to and despite this being one  of the many traits she loved most about him it was almost part of what made him get kidnapped in the first place.

"Stay here." Jay said weakly whilst making his was down the small staircase in the building back down to where Angela was being held.

After only a few seconds Hailey heard the sound she dreaded. At first she had hoped that another captor was down there so Jay shot them but she couldn't remember seeing a gun on Jay and he had made it upstairs to fight one guy before she had got there.

"Jay?" She yelled and got no response as she ran down the stairs. "Jay!" She yelled again as she saw him gasping for breath with a gun shot wound someplace in between his upper chest and shoulder. Honestly there was so much blood it was hard for Hailey to tell.

"Hailey." He said weakly continuing to struggle for air and grabbing for her hand.

"50-21 Henry, shots fired, officer down, I repeat officer down requesting an Ambo at my location asap." Hailey said into her radio.

"Copy that 50-21 Henry, Ambo en-route." Dispatch said through the radio in response.

"You're gonna be ok, you're alright Jay. Helps coming ok? Stay with me." Hailey said and held his hand.

"Hailey it's ok." Jay said weakly squeezing her hand.

"No Jay don't give up, you gotta stay awake. You can't die. We were going to move in together remember, remember that? Jay? Jay!" Hailey said tears starting to fall down her face.

"Hailey we got him. We got him." Hailey heard a couple of seconds later and felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Brett and Foster who had immediately took over applying pressure on Jay's gun shot wound.

"We gotta move Brett. We've gotta get him in the ambo." Emily encourage desperate to try and keep Jay's vitals stable.

"Yeah come on Hailey you can ride with us." Brett said almost immediately.

3 hours later

"Any change?" Adam said coming back from picking up some coffee for everyone.

"No he's still in the OR, it's just a waiting game." Vanessa said and put her hand on Hailey's shoulder as Adam sat back down on a chair behind them. "He's going to be ok." She said to Hailey reassuringly.

"He's a strong guy." Adam said.

"Yeah sometimes that's the problem." Hailey said and they all looked a little confused. "He always wants to help everyone and he's such a strong guy he's been in CPD for years now and has been in a warzone. I should have told Voight sooner, I should have stopped him." Hailey said.

"Hey stop this your killing yourself with this Hailey, this isn't all on you. Hell it isn't on you at all. Jay's stubborn and he would of helped this woman and her son whatever we said or tried to do." Kim said.

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