Chapter 4- That sinking feeling.

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"You think he did it?" Hailey said to Jay in the break room out of no where.

"Who?" Jay said trying not to make it too obvious.

"Jay." Hailey said clearly not in the mood for being discreet. "Voight, you think he did it?"

"Hailey we don't know anything for sure right now. All we do know is whatever happened Kelton dig himself in his grave with all of this. Twenty-four hours ago he was leading the charge to put cuffs on Ruzek, hunt down Antonio and bury Voight and now he's dead." Jay said honestly standing up and pouring some coffee.

"So what the hell happened?" Hailey said.

"Forensics came back on the Kelton scene." Kevin said opening the door of the break room a little more.

"Thanks Man we'll head down there now. Is the Sarge heading down there?" Jay asked.

"Yep he's waiting for you." Kevin said as he walked away.

An hour or so later Jay had a lot of stuff on his mind about Voight and Kelton and was in the parking lot when he saw Voight approaching him.

"Jay what's problem here?" Voight said and Jay looked mostly confused but partially acknowledged what he was saying. "You've been acting like your walking on eggshells for the last few hours what's going on."

"Sarge to be honest my head is swimming right now." Jay said.

Voight grunted in understanding. "Ok what are you talking about?"

"Look, I just wanna know what's going on with you, with Kelton for real." Jay explained.

"Jay..." Voight started.

"Are you involved?" Jay said pointing to him.

"Watch yourself." Voight said pausing, getting a little agitated. "You don't wanna say something you can't move back."

"Sarge your prints are at his house." Jay said getting just as agitated and squaring up a little as Voight had done.

"Thats because I was at Kelton's the day before the murder, I went there to try and talk him down." Voight explained a little calmer. He admired the younger detective and one day wanted him to take over the unit from him, he reminded him of a younger version of himself and sometimes that could be a problem.

"What about last night? Why wouldn't you say what you were doing? Jay asked getting even more frustrated.

"Because if I said what I was doing...Antonio would lose his job." Voight said back.

Jay instantly looked regretful of what he had accused Voight of "you were with Antonio." He said a lot calmer than he had spoken before.

Voight nodded. "He called me when I was heading over to Kelton's. I turned around and picked him up. He was in bad shape, I took him to an off the books clinic." He continued.

Jay remained looking as though he was feeling a little guilty. He sighed. "You should have said something."

"It was between me and Antonio." Voight clarified.

"Ok, they're circling you and they're building a case." Jay said.

"Listen Jay, on my son. I didn't kill Kelton." Voight said honestly.

"Ok." Jay said nodding in understanding "I had to ask." He continued.

"No you didn't." Voight responded shaking his head a little. Jay moved to lean up against his SUV whilst Voight moved to lean up against a squad car opposite. They didn't really talk after that just took a few minutes to think.

"This is ridiculous I'm going in." Jay said in frustration a few hours later getting out the SUV he had been sat beside Hailey in.

They had just found out Kate Brennan was Kelton's killer, but no arrest was taking place and Jay knew that Voight could make evidence disappear if he wanted. As much as they saw eye to eye on a lot of things this they very much did not.

Once Jay was inside Kate's house he spotted her placing the bullets in the chambers of her pistol.

"Ma'am put the gun down." He said calmly before she turned the gun on him. "Stop! Kate! Stop! Stop! Stop! Please put it down. Please, please put it down. You come in with me, you can tell your side of the story." Jay said hoping she would put the gun down.

"Hey!" Hailey shouted and Jay disarmed Brennan. Soon after they were back at the district. Hailey heard the heated fight between Voight and Jay about Jay bringing Brennan in.

It ended pretty soon and Jay and Hailey were walking out of the district and Jay was quieter than usual.

"Hey are you ok?" Hailey said as they got back into the apartment together and she put her hand on the back of his neck running her fingers through his hair comfortingly. Jay definitely saw another side of her at home, he fell in love with the Hailey at work which is how they got together, but she had a barrier up sometimes like she had a past that she didn't want anyone to know about. At home she could be herself and that's what he loved most about her.

"Yeah I'm fine, just the feeling of doubt you know. Maybe I should have just let Brennan pull the trigger. Voight said to me when all the Kelton stuff happened he wanted me to take over the unit someday. Well what kind of leader am I going to be if I can't make decisions like this right." Jay said looking at Hailey.

"It's that about you which is going to make you such a good leader. Good leaders aren't right all of the time, just some of the time and as for the other times, well that's why they have a team because sometimes they're going to get things wrong but the team are they're to lift them up and your there for them. That's just how it works." Hailey said and paused a little. "A good leader learns from their mistakes." Hailey said with a reassuring smile.

"It's a good job I don't wanna be a leader anytime soon." Jay said with a smirk.

"I guess so cause leaders, well they can get kinda busy." Hailey said and smirked at him promiscuously.

"Yeah I guess we wouldn't have much time for other things." Jay said in response. They kissed and then they laughed a little. Hailey moved to sit beside him on the couch laying her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around him.

"I love you, you know that right." Hailey said looking up and Jay.

"I love you too always." Jay responded.

Thanks for reading this chapter like my other chapters it contains script from one of the actual scenes of Chicago PD so I can show Jay and Hailey's reaction to the situations. For copyright reasons I should add that Unfortunately i do not own/ have rights to any of these scripts. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. More to come soon :)

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