Chapter 5- The Flu

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"You really shouldn't be here." Jay said to Hailey for the 10th time in the day.

"I'm fine Jay really, its just a bad cold and I'm a little tired, I'll be ok." Hailey said attempting to convice her partner and boyfriend.

"Are you sure?" Jay said and Hailey just nodded and they went to listen to Voight explain about the latest case.

"What have we got on Rogers so far?" Voight asked his team.

"Carl Rogers, 35, athletic build, Caucasian male, blue eyes, brown hair, his was described by a victim of a home invasion to a sketch artist and left in our system when the case went cold." Ruzek started.

"Recently his face came up in another case except this time he and his crew hit a house up in the North Side in Lincoln Park where they had CCTV footage of outside the house from a camera on a church building." Burgess said.

"You get a look at him?" Rojas asked.

"Yeah, it was good quality CCTV they've had problems with graffiti out there in the past so splashed out on some fancy system. But the good thing is that we were able to enhance the image and we can see his face." Ruzek said in response.

"and let me guess, we got a positive on Rogers." Jay said.

"Yeah almost identical to the sketch it's definitely him." Ruzek said.

"What about the MO's?" Voight asked.

"From what me and Rojas have found out Sarge; they target houses with vulnerable residents. Senior citizens, families that have had sick members and are in debt with medical bills excetera." Atwater answered.

"Now we're treating them as home invasions but really there could be tones of other houses we haven't found yet that have had the same problem. We think that they are using ordinary houses as stash houses and either trying to keep them quiet by by paying off their debts for them or threatening them when that doesn't work." Rojas explains.

"Perfect drug dens that we won't have any chance of suspecting." Voight clarified.

"Exactly. So we put a bolo out on Rogers" Rojas responded.

"Right, Ruzek, Burgess canvas the neighbourhood see if any houses a few blocks away will give up any information." Voight ordered. "Jay, Hailey speak to the victims of the houses in Canaryville and Englewood. See if we can get any new Intel. Rojas, Atwater stay here I need people to stay near the phones, look through security footage and follow up any tips. I'm gonna get Platt to get patrolman to be on the look out for this guy." He continued and then went downstairs to talk to Platt.

Everyone headed off to do what they had been ordered to do by Voight.

"Hey, you think we should ask to switch with Rojas and Atwater? Stay here so you can chill a little. Get better?" Jay said.

"No, I'm fine Jay. Really I'm ok, plus Voight likes us being out we're the detectives he likes us interrogating and Canaryville is your territory you spent the whole of your childhood there if anyone's going to tell anyone anything it will be you right?" Hailey said.

"I guess." Jay sighed in response.

"Ok let's go then." Hailey said and walked ahead to the car.


"Jay, look son you know that I would help you and your brother out no matter what ordinarily, your old man was like a brother to me, but these guys they mean serious business which I'd rather stay out of. Speaking to you is getting involved and it will be my house next." Ted Ricks one of Jay's old neighbours and friend said.

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