Chapter 5: Song and Ale

Depuis le début

"What elvish kingdom do you come from?" Dwalin is the one to speak again, wanting to know as much as he can before they set out on this quest.

"Mirkwood," she answers dryly. "Horrid place really, wouldn't recommend visiting it if I were you. Thranduil is a greedy man, ridden in hate. But..." she trails of remembering the stories that she heard. Ones that she was promised not to utter in front of the King or his son. "...he used to be a great King. Or so I was told, but when his wife died, he just...he put all his love into her and when she died, so did all his love for anything in the world. Except perhaps his son."

The dwarves don't feel any sorry for the Elven King, nor should they in Gailien's opinion, but that doesn't mean she doesn't understand why he is the way he is. She just doesn't agree with it. Dwalin and a few other dwarves huff through their nose as Gailien describes Mirkwood, as though they will visit there for a holiday sometime soon.

"Why did you leave?"

The question comes this time from Fili. His brother nudges him in the ribs slightly, glaring at him. Kili realises that his words earlier were a little to forward and rude and he doesn't want his brother doing the same. Gailien shrugs, not wanting to go into a deep conversation on the topic. So instead, she taps her ever so slightly pointed ears.

"One thing I did get is a slight increase in hearing. And whispers reach my ears no harder than words spoken to my face do." She turns away from the fire to look at the dwarves, setting her eyes stern as she looks at them. "One thing I ask is that if you have something to say about me, be loud as though you are intending for me to hear. I don't take kindly to words spoken about me behind my back."

The dwarves settle down, their attention turning away from the girl. Once she has had enough of her fill of heat, Gailien stands, walking over to sit on one of the chairs with a high back that is still near the fire. She feels eyes on her and her gaze flickers about the room and they settle on the dwarf prince brothers. Their eyes flicker to hers every moment or so. Kili is saying something to his brother who nods his head, wandering off out to the kitchen. Their words are quiet enough that they don't reach her ears and she bites her cheek, thinking about how she literally just told them she doesn't take kindly to whispering about her.

Though it is from Kili who she is already somewhat fond of, and he seems nice enough to her so maybe the words aren't as harsh as she imagines them to be. That would be a change. Her eyes flick away once more, focusing on filtering out the noise around her.

Out of nowhere, a face appears in front of her, causing her to jolt slightly in her seat. Fili stands next to the seat, holding out a tankard towards her.

"My brother says you prefer ale around a fire," he says. Gailien glances over to Kili but his attention is turned elsewhere so she turns back to Fili, taking the drink.

"Thank you," she says with a slight laugh. "Though I didn't expect to have it served to me without even having to ask." It was a kind gesture from both the brothers, one she will not forget, no matter how small it sounds. They have gone out of their way to speak with her and she will offer them the same kindness.

Fili smiles at her, nodding his head to acknowledge her gratitude before wandering back over to his brother. He, like Kili, finds her intriguing. An unexpected addition to their company and while their race holds hate for the elves, they have not come to experience themselves, leaving them still impressionable.

Dwalin eyes off the two princes, not liking how comfortable they are around the girl but he would not say anything, knowing they all would be spending a lot more time around her and it is best if they all have mutual respect for one another.

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