9. Feel better

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"Awwww! (y/n)-chan you look so cute today! Ahhh We're both so glad you could make it!"

The love Hashira said while she clinged onto the wisteria hashira's arm.

"Thanks m-Mitsuri, you look nice today as w-well."

The woman was over the moon when her friend said this! She couldn't believe she was being complimented, by (y/n) of all people! But this didn't sit right with the shorter one of the bunch. For she has noticed how soft and delicate her tone was
'Is she still not over rengoku-san?'
She pondered as she watched the two before her communicate.

"ara ara you're being so quiet (y/n)-Chan! But that will change today."

The girl in question gave a confused look, neither of the two girls had told her what they were doing today.

"Yeah yeah! we're going to eat and then go to the hot springs!"

Said the overly excited love hashira. Boy was it going to be a day for all of them.

"What place a-are we eating at?"

"Just a plain one, nothing too fancy."

Said the purple eyed girl. When the three first met they went on usual dates to food places, being the only female pillars they had to Stick together! Ever since then They all haven't been out to eat together. The three were all so busy compared to when they first became pillars. I mean they were busy then, but now it feels as if everything is coming to a climax in their lives.

Mitsuri pov

Ahhh I feels like it's been ages since I've been able to hang out with them! Such a happy atmosphere, and shinobu and (y/n)-chan are so cute!! I'm so happy we're going to eat as well, I've always hated eating by myself. No one to talk to, what's the point? So I'll make sure to have fun today.

But more importantly is to make (y/n)-chan happier! Ever since rengoku-san died she just hasn't been the same, They would've made such a sweet couple too... only if. Nows not the time to get down in the dumps about what could of been, get you're self together Mitsuri!

We need to find (y/n)-chan a new man, one that will treat her well. Maybe I should ask her questions about the other hashiras over the time we eat.

"Mitsuri what are you going to order?"

Asked shinobu.

"Probably 2 bowls of udon, I don't really want anything fancy at the moment! But I might get some omurice as well. what about you Shinobu, (y/n)?"

"Hmm I think I'll get some Ginger boiled down in soy sauce, but if they don't have that then probably tokoyaki!"

Ahh Shinobu is as cute as always! I wish I could be like her

"I'll get s-some (f/j/f). They'll probably have it t-there."

"Such a nice choice (y/n)!"

We eventually arrived at the restaurant and ordered our things. The people their were extremely nice as well. But some towns people looked at us weird, but I'm sure we're all use to that at this point.

Ahhh it's probably because of my hair! It looks so weird... no wonder why I'm not married

"Hey (y/n) what do you think about gyomei."

Gyomei is a nice guy, but I don't know if he and (y/n) will be a good match. I think she looks at him as more of a mentor. Actually her and gyomei would be kinda creepy, he's so much older!

"Ehh m-Mitsuri-chan why t-this all of a sudden??"

I was about to answer but then Shinobu jumped in.

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