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When you're watching someone you love get hurt, time slows down.

You freeze.

You hesitate.

You process what's happening and then you react.

But sometimes, that one second of hesitation comes with a high price.


"I do." Ladybug whispered to Chat Noir, so softly it was barely audible.

She fixed her eyes on Alya, who was holding on to Queen Wasp as if her life depended on it. But Ladybug could sense that she was starting to slip and her grip was beginning to loosen.

"She's safe - but Alya isn't."

After that, there was no delay.

Ladybug threw her yoyo, encasing Alya within it, and pulled on it, causing Queen Wasp to lose her hold and let go.

Alya was now safely planted beside her.

The duo shielded Alya with their bodies, jumping directly between her and the Akumatized Chloé and were startled when Queen Wasp let out a loud and piercing shrill scream.


Queen Wasp called upon her bees, her entire being filled with a red rage and she commanded them to attack Ladybug and Chat Noir.

The two dodged the yellow bugs as best as they could all while still protecting Alya until Chat Noir finally called out, "Ladybug, call on your lucky charm, I'll hold them off."

And she did.

The magical red and black yoyo was thrown into the air. "Lucky charm!" Shouted Ladybug, and not even a moment later an umbrella the same colour as she was, fell into her hands.

Ladybug groaned. "Of course, because an umbrella is totally going to help me right now."

Annoyed with the charm she received she stuck it onto her back until she knew exactly what she was going to do with it.

"Give. Me. Marinette!" Queen Wasp boomed once more as she attempted to throw a punch at Chat Noir. "Why are you protecting a thief?!"

"She's not a thief!" Chat retorted. "She's the most amazing person in this world."

"Amazing? Marinette? Puh-lease. You might as well rename her Mari-lame."

"Don't talk about her like that!"

"Yeah!" Alya exclaimed from the side. "If you want Marinette, you'll have to go through me." She touched the centre of her chest with her thumb, pointing at herself.

"And me." Chat stood a little straighter - a battle stance with a touch of proudness and protectiveness.

Ladybug felt a warmth resonating from deep within her, and for a moment, she felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have such great people in her life, people who would defend her when she wasn't around- people who would fight for her. Not as Ladybug, but just as plain old Marinette.

Finally FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora