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Chat Noir thanked the Heavens that Ladybug had called out to him just in time and he was able to jump out of the way, avoiding the deadly ray beam that Lady Black had directed at him.

He let out a silent breath of relief, although his thoughts were still loud, unable to be hushed.

Chat glanced over to his lady, then  over to Lady Black, analysing her from head to toe. If he knew who Lady Black was then he'd be able to figure out which school his lady went to!

And just like that, he had a new motivation. He had to defeat this copycat villain in order to find out who she was, in order to figure out where Ladybug schooled and in order to unmask his beloved bug.

Chat Noir readied his baton and shouted, "you're going down, fake bugaboo!"

Ladybug instantly rolled her eyes at his natural cheesiness and once again took her fighting stance.

"Chloé, run away now while you can." She called out to the blonde girl she was defending.

"You know, I could be sooo much help if you gave me my miraculous." Chloé retorted, causing Ladybug to groan loudly.

"There's no time! Run! Now!"

"Ugh. Fine." Chloé ran away from her position behind Ladybug and fled into to nearest door, standing by in case the heroes miraculously decided that she was needed.

Once Ladybugs focus was back onto the black bug, she'd realised quickly that the fighting had already began.

Chat Noir and Lady Black were heavy in a round of hand to hand combat, and it looked like Lady Black was winning.

Ladybug knew that he'd need help in this battle, after all, he couldn't even beat her in a fight, so if Lady Black was anything like Ladybug, then Chat Noir was going to be in some serious shit.

Ladybug watched in horror as Chat Noir took a major blow to the head from Lady Black and then all of a sudden he laid lifeless on the ground, having been knocked out cold.

A low growl escaped her lips.

Lady Black hurt him.

And she was going to pay.

Without even thinking, Ladybug leapt towards Lady Black, and with all her might she sent blow after blow onto her evil counterpart, throwing her onto the ground and injuring the black bug severely.

"You'll pay for that!" Ladybug screamed, her emotions running high, unable to see anything but rage.

She could see her beloved kitten unconscious on the ground in the corner of her eye and her rage grew bigger and more out of control.

She kept sending hits onto Lady Black, each one getting harder and harder until finally, Ladybug grew tired and poorly coordinated, giving Lady Black the opportunity strike back.

Lady Black used one of her hands to grab Ladybugs, and with the other, she threw a hard hit, causing Ladybug to see stars and stumble.

With one swift move, Lady Black pushed the spotted, red bug off of her and climbed above, pinning both of Ladybugs arms using her legs as she struck the red bugs face repeatedly, until all Ladybug could see was a black and red blur on top of her, slowly fading into darkness.

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