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Once Marinette and Adrien reached their final class of the day together, they went to their usual seats besides Alya and Nino. The rest the lesson went by without a hitch, although for almost the entire time, Marinette had been in an internal debate with herself about what to do with the new information she had learned just moments before.

Adrien loved Ladybug.

Adrien loved her.

But it was too risky for anyone to know the truth about her identity, and it seemed that Adrien was going to be persistent in finding out the truth. What if she told him everything and then Adrien got akumatized? Or what if somehow Hawkmoth discovered their relationship and went after Adrien just to get to her?

No. There were too many risks.

For the time being, Marinette was going to have to set aside the way she felt for Adrien and focus on defeating Hawkmoth before she could tell anyone anything about who she really was.

Being a hero came with a great responsibility, and if that meant that a sacrifice had to be made, then so be it.

Marinette sank into her seat after finally making her mind up on what she was going to do.

From beside her, Alya noticed her best friends sudden change of mood and decided to intervene. "Girl, are you okay? You seem down?"

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine, I just realised that one of my designs for the competition wasn't as great as I thought it was. It needs something extra." Marinette blurted the first excuse that came to mind.

That's when a lightbulb went off in Alya's head at that very moment. "Speaking of designs..." She leant forward so Nino and Adrien were included in the conversation. "Okay you guys, Chloe's throwing her annual Halloween bash next week, and the whole school is invited, which is beyond crazy. What are we dressing up as?"

Marinette was grateful for her friends sudden change in topic, and she set aside all her previous worries and started to be present in the moment. "I've got some sketches of stuff I'm working on for myself, but I've been meaning to ask you guys about what you wanted to go as and if you wanted, maybe I could make something for you all?"

"Mari, that would be awesome. I'm down for that, but unfortunately Nino and I just cannot figure out what we want to go as. What about you Adrien, do you want Marinette to design your costume?" Asked Alya.

"Are you kidding? If there's a chance I get to wear something made by Marinette, I'm taking it. Count me in." Adrien spoke with his signature, dreamy smile, only to make Marinette melt on the inside and cause her to instantly regret her decision about keeping her secret, but nevertheless, she had to live with her choice. For now.

"Awesome. So what did you have in mind? Superhero? Or super villain?" Alya smirked, knowing full well that he would choose to be one of the many, MANY people choosing to dress as a superhero this Halloween.

"I'm planning on going as the very handsome and very clever Chat Noir of course."

Mari groaned out loud, grabbing the attention of Alya, Nino and Adrien. "Is something the matter, Marinette?" Adrien asked his friend.

"N-no. Of course not. Chat Noir is a good choice... He's brave and quirky and a true hero... but I'm not completely sure if he's handsome and clever though."  Mari let out a small giggle, secretly enjoying the jab she made at her fellow partner in justice.

Adrien raised his eyebrows in surprise at Marinette's words. "You don't think Chat Noir is handsome and clever, Mari?" He questioned.

Marinette let out another laugh, this time a little louder. "Chat is a complete goofball, but I guess we'll never be sure about how handsome he his unless he for some reason decided to show his true face. As for the clever part, well, we all know that Ladybug is the clever one out of the two."

This earned a smirk from Alya. "You're right about that, Mari."

Adrien put on a smile and turned back around to face the front. He was a little unsure about whether or not he should be offended or not, considering that he himself was Chat Noir, but he couldn't let on his true feelings without raising suspicion. He expected that not everyone was going to be a fan of Chat - he was a bit of a character after all, but he never expected that Marinette wouldn't be a fan.

He was going to change that.


Later that night, Marinette was in her room. She had just gotten off of the phone with Alya, who told her that she and Nino had finally decided on what they wanted to go as to Chloè's Halloween party, which meant she could start sketching out ideas for their costumes and would present them to her friends tomorrow.

She had just finished working on the final design (her own) when she got a very peculiar text message.

Unknown: Hey Purrincess.

Of course, Marinette knew who it was almost immediately since there was no one else in the world who called her by that nickname, and she took only a second to process and reply.

Marinette: Chat? How did you get my number?

Chat: I have my sources.

Marinette: Of course you do. You're Chat Noir.

Chat: Anyhoo. I just wanted to let you know that you have a gift waiting for you. So you might want to check on your balcony. ;)

Marinette stared at her recent text for what seemed like a half hour, until she began to stand up from her desk and climbed up her bed, stopping just before she opened the trapdoor.

She was unsure about what to make of the situation, and whether or not she should be prepared for the worst but since Char Noir was involved, Marinette had a feeling this there was no need to be worried.

She cautiously unlocked her trapdoor, opening it ever so slowly.

"Chat? What on earth are you doing here this late?"

The black feline stood on her balcony in the dark, and he would have been completely invisible if it hadn't been for those bright green glowing eyes that she had come to know.

"I heard a little rumour today, and I wanted to come over and hear the truth for myself." He said smoothly.

Marinette froze.

She knew Chat Noir had been seeking out the truth about Ladybugs identity, and here he was out of the blue. Could it mean that he had finally found out her biggest secret?


A/N: hey guys! Just wanted to ask a quick question.
Would you like to see Kagami and Luka added into this story? I haven't put them in so far because I'm not their biggest fan, but I feel like the drama they bring could be good?

Thanks, Aimee xoxo

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