Chapter Nine - Failed Pickup Lines

Start from the beginning

My parents, however, wanted to avoid them as much as possible, which was why I tried not to reveal anything about them to the public.

But Kylie was just a random girl living her normal life. Well, mostly normal. She was missing the part where average people had the ability to recognize me. That in itself was unusual.

And then yesterday happened. So far, the only thing I know about the effects was that she was now being stalked by the paparazzi. But surely, there were other effects.

I was proven right when a nasally voice interrupted the silence.

"You're such a slut Kylie. You've only been single for a day and you're just going to rub it in Seth's face about how you've been cheating on him. It's a good thing I told him about that before it went any further," Hannah's voice sneered.

I don't think she saw me because I was halfway behind a corner and Kylie was in front of me, blocking her view. I was appalled at Hannah's tone. She had never spoken anything like that before when I was in her presence.

Eyes widened, I glanced over at Kylie to see that her jaw was clenched, along with her fist, and that her tired expression was wiped away by anger. Her eyes turned cold.

Then, I realized what Hannah had said. Kylie was single. And I wasn't thinking of it as the perspective that Kylie was available - which I'm sure she isn't to me, based on how she treats me - but as in she no longer had a boyfriend.

They broke up. And it was most likely because of yesterday's incident. We hadn't even done anything and from the time I've known her, Kylie wasn't the type to be disloyal.

Guilt and horror settled in my stomach uncomfortably. It was such a strange feeling. It's been a while since I've felt anything like that.

"Why don't you shut your mouth before I do it for you," Kylie suggested, darkly.

Her entire mood was a different demon. I thought I had experienced her rage before but that was nothing compared to now.

"You know, poor Seth is just so heartbroken that you abandoned him for a famous celebrity. Even I didn't know that you were that cold hearted," Hannah kept on taunting viciously.

I don't think I've ever met anyone this ruthless. Hannah had been the one who told Seth and now she was placing the blame onto Kylie. It was no wonder Kylie's eyes lit up and she sprang at the blonde.

Without even realizing it, I lunged after her and caught her in my arms before she could do anything. While Kylie struggled against my arms, desperate to introduce her fist with Hannah's face, Hannah's eyes widened when she saw that I was there.

"Let go of me!" Kylie snarled, trying to break out of my unexpected restraint. It was actually difficult to keep her from getting closer to Hannah.

"Xavier, I didn't even see you," Hannah exclaimed lightly, as if she hadn't just taunted Kylie. "Thank you for saving me."

I have her a cold look, which she seemed surprised by. "I'm not saving you. I wouldn't care if Kylie beat the shit out of you. I'm saving her from getting into any more trouble, no thanks to you."

I don't know who was more stunned by what I said: me, Hannah, or Kylie, who froze in my arms. Probably me.

Hannah was shocked into silence and stillness, which I took advantage of by dragging Kylie past her. I think the only reason Kylie allowed me to do that was because she was surprised as well.

I made sure that we quickly escaped the hostile atmosphere, turning a corner and heading straight down the hall. Once we were far away from Hannah, I let go of Kylie's hand and stopped.

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