Chapter Twenty Six - A Reluctant Goodbye

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Chapter Twenty Six - A Reluctant Goodbye

^^Kylie's POV^^

When I had found out what Xavier had kept a secret from me, I had felt betrayed. His leaving to film another movie didn't just affect him. I was half of the relationship too. If I didn't find out, would he have ever told me? Or would I have found out the hard way when one day, he would just be gone with no explanation until I found out from some website or magazine? That thought hurt me so much.

Maybe I had overreacted. Perhaps, I still am as I avoid him. The action was terribly childish of me but I needed space. I still couldn't believe that he would keep something that big and important from me. It was the equivalent of a normal couple where one person simply decides to move to another country without even telling his or her partner. Or if one person was promoted but kept it a secret.

I still didn't understand Xavier's decision. Even if he didn't want to be reminded of his imminent move, he shouldn't have left me in the dark for that long. And if his fear was about hurting my feelings, he should have realized that even if I became sad, I would still support him and his decision to further his career. I would never hold him back from such an vital opportunity.

Kenna understood my sullen mood, and I'm sure that she has already told Ian and Ally about the situation. It was a strange case of déjà vu. I had ignored Xavier after our fight about the paparazzi and the picture. My faced warmed slightly at the thought of how we reconciled but I force myself to expel those thoughts.

Sadly, happy memories kept flooding into my mind. That one time we worked on our project, our kiss in the swimming pool, our date at the ice cream parlour, those awful and cheesy pickup lines he tried on me, and the time he defended me from Hannah. There was also that one time when I had been annoyed with him, but he managed to earn back my forgiveness after shoving delicious spaghetti in my mouth.

And I was currently wasting time of the how-many-ever-days-left that Xavier had. He seemed to have received the message and left me to my own thoughts and space.

Maybe I should be the one apologizing this time. I barely let him explain himself. I have no clue how much time he had left here.

"Kylie," Kenna called my attention. I glance up at her from her carpet.

We were in her bedroom. I was sprawled on the ground and she was sitting on the side of her bed. Originally, Ian and Ally had been invited to hang out but they had a date to attend, thus leaving Kenna and me. Consequently, with the pensive and sullen mood I was in, minimal talking had happened since I arrived. But now, Kenna finally decided to break the silence.

"Are you still mad about Xavier not telling you that he's leaving?" Kenna asked, a little hesitant. Perhaps she was cautious about riling me up again.

Instead, I maintained my composure. I have done my thinking. In fact, I've thought about it for the last two and a half days.

"I'm not mad anymore," I answered, truthfully. "I just don't know what to do now. He's leaving soon and to be honest, I doubt that a long-distance relationship will work for us."

Kenna's eyebrows furrowed. "Why don't you think a long-distance relationship will work? He's in love with you. He wouldn't stray, if that's what you're worried about."

My stomach fluttered at Kenna's claim that Xavier loved me. "Love? We're both young. I don't know if what we have is love. Yes, he may like me, but to the extent of love? And how do I know if what we feel for each other is just in the heat of the moment?"

Kenna sighed. "Honey, you're thinking too hard about your feelings. Just go with your heart for once, not your brain," she said. "What you need to do is to talk with him, not think about what might happen. And if you do think, think positively."

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