"Keeping these results in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will be participating in internships with pros." Aizawa-sensei said and I just looked out the window, and let his words come in one ear and out the other. But I also was shocked that we will still be going to have internships despite not having offers. 

"As the hero names are still temporary, but if you're not serious about it," Aizawa-sensei stops when someone slides the door and another, female voice finishes his sentence. 

"...you'll have hell to pay later!" I looked at the door to see Midnight-san. 

Some of the boys immediately perked up at her attendance, blushing as they see her usual revealing type of hero costume. 

"Because a lot of hero names used by students become recognized by society. And they end up becoming professional hero names!" She explained and I tilted my head as it was resting on my palm. 

"Midnight will be making sure your names are okay because I am not good with that sort of thing." Aizawa-sensei says and takes out his sleeping bag to then sleep into them. 

"When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete imagine of what you want to be like in the future. And you can get closer to it. This is what it means when they say that names and natures do often agree. Like 'All Might' for example." He says and I received the whiteboards that were being passed around. 

I looked at the piece of whiteboard that was in my grasp and sighed to myself. I'm not that much interested in these types because all I have to do while I'm here is keep track of the League of Villains to this school while Kuramoto-san had to look through as he worked with the Police. 

"Ok, after you're done present it out front." Midnight announced and everyone sweat dropped. I just stared at the white blackboard that was in my grasp, thinking on what I should do. 

Once Aoyama and Mina presented theirs which was an awkward start, but good thing Tsuyu had gotten a good response from Midnight-san. Kirishima as well has gotten a good response, showing that he is ready to take the burden from the hero name which made me think. 

'Am I ready to even take the burden of Demon Snow?' I thought to myself and sighed. 

As coming from my past, the ability that I got was something I hated because it ruined my life at the same time. How can I be someone in the light if I can't even use my ability without it being a reminder of the people that it killed? 

After Kirishima, Jirou got up and basically just explained her quirk. Shoji came up and did a play on words which I thought was very clever. As more and more people came up to the podium and said their hero names which were either creative, simple, questionable or even plain laughable like Bakugou's. 

"King Explosion Murder." He said, with venom on his tongue as he said it. I chuckled to myself especially when Midnight disregarded his thought. 

As he took his seat, I was next. I flipped the whiteboard and showed everyone that I would simply go for the name, "Kyouka" Just like Todoroki who used his own name. 

"Are you sure about this?" Midnight asked and I simply nod. She hesitantly nod and sent me back to my seat. I stared at the whiteboard as I sat, remembering the various things that came to mind with just the simple call of my name. 

"Kyouka, you are an assassin and the Demon Snow is living proof of that." 

I gasped to myself as I remembered that, my breath is suddenly heavy and I can't breathe properly. I looked around the room to see that everyone was looking at me even Aizawa-sensei and Midnight-san. 

for all the evil within || bsd x bnha crossoverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ