A normal transfer. [21]

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I was sitting in a library front desk. Mindlessly fiddling with a pen on the table. Library work was boring. The place was mostly empty. From time to time I had to dust the shelves. And it was hard to hold in a sneeze as the dust kept raining into my face.

My helper was sitting behind me. Him, also, was bored. At that moment, I begged for a Karakura-Raizer call. Anything to get me out of the situation. I jumped out of my skin, as the watch started beeping and flashing. I received crossed glances from people. I turned to my little helper, "I have to go somewhere."

"Lucky you," he said and waved at me dismissively. I got out of my chair and zoomed my way out of the library as I looked at the yellow watch. It wasn't nearby, nor was it close. I could get there just by running. I activated my watch, mid-running.

It was completely safe, except the fact you have to stop for a moment to pose, but that was alright.

When I arrived at the scene, Keigo was there, it was only him. He was hiding behind a building with tears rushing out of his eyes. "Neddy-Chan! You're finally here!!!" he sobbed as he ran up to me. I was quick to move myself to the side, avoiding his rib-crushing hug. 

Keigo was a very clingy lad. He reminded me so much of myself. Then I realized it was annoying. After that, I realized I was annoying

"Where the others?" I asked him as he face-planted to the ground. "They aren't here yet," his voice was muffled, but I could understand what he was trying to say. I peeked from behind the building, taking a look at the Hollow. 

My soul just left my body.

Eyes-wide, I looked at the watch, "Why is it an Arrancar?" I asked, "Why is it so... pretty and intimidating?" I flicked the screen of the watch, "Kisuke-San, I have several questions." Kisuke appeared on the screen, "Well..." he muttered, fanning himself, "It's a pretty rare event, but I think you can recall that Hollows can evolve into an Arrancar?"

"I know that but," I turned to look at the Arrancar, "What's it doing here?" 

"Oh, some of them come to seek revenge."

"Do I have to fight something as pretty as that?" I turned to the Arrancar. She was tall and stunning.  Her blond hair flowing with the wind, her green eyes looking around the street. Her outfit was breathtaking. Keigo was drooling with me.

"Oh, Neddy-Chan I do understand you have interest towards ladies like me," the shop-keeper snickered, "But, an enemy is an enemy. You better take her down before she takes you down."

"I'm a bottom, I would like her to take me down," I mumbled, grinning at my own joke.

"Oh, my," Kisuke chirped, "That might be useful one day."

I whipped my head to the watch, "What do you mean useful?" I asked, "Kisuke, you better answer--."

"Good luck," he cooed, before the screen turned black.

"Me," I sighed, putting my hand away. I turned to Keigo, "You got a plan?" I asked. The brunette was huddled in a corner, his skin had turned sickly pale, while his cheeks were burning red. He shook his head, "I can't do anything!" he sobbed as he covered his face.

I took a deep breath, "I can do this," I said to myself, "Just knock her out, you don't have to slice her in half," I clasped my hands together and walked out from behind the building. The blond Arrancar noticed me. Her green eyes pierced through my very soul. She tilted her head to the side as she looked at me.

Goosebumps. My goodness, I was having goosebumps. "So uhm--," I cleared my throat as I approached the stunning Espada. "Is it possible for me to ask you to leave?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers, "Like, nicely? Without any fighting?"

"On one condition," as she opened her mouth, her voice was alluring. I was blushing like mad. My knees were getting weak. Get a grip of yourself. "I get to kill you," she pointed her finger at me, her red lips quirked up to the side, "And the rest of the town." She looked around, her blond hair bounced as she turned her head, "This town has a nice scent to it."

I made a small surprised squeak, "I-I'm sorry, ma'am," I nervously laughed, "I can't let you do that."

She eyed me, "What are you anyway? You don't look like a shinigami. In fact, you look like a child."

"And you're a newborn Arrancar! Don't look down to me like that."

She scoffed, sounding offended, "I've been through more thing than you can imagine, brat."

"I've been to Las Noches," I hissed back, "Wore the damn uniform and all, so don't talk big, lady!"

"You're lying. A small brat like you can't survive there!" She shouted, her hand reached for her Zanpakuto on her hip, "Extend, Pulpo!"

"Oh shoot," I took a few steps back, watching her whole appearance changing. She looked like Ursula from the Little Mermaid, her tentacles were red, and her hair was longer. I blinked. The situation could go two ways. One, I could defeat her. The other was a forbidden thought in my mind. A tentacle reached out to grab me. I quickly moved to the side.

"I'll tear you limb to limb!" she hissed, as the other tentacles charged towards me. I shrieked, and lord, I actually shrieked. I did not find being tore alive fun or exciting. 

I went up to the air, thinking it would help me. It didn't make a difference. She was able to reach out. I was only flying aimlessly in the air, if I grab onto her, I didn't think I could defeat her. "I take it back, I don't want her to take me down! I'm too scared!" I shrieked, feeling like an annoying fly about to swatted away.

"Quit flying around, it's annoying!" all of it went around me. I flew above, right before she closed her tentacles in.

"Kisuke-San! Where are the others?!" I shouted.

"I'm afraid you're going to be on your own for a while."

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