I didn't sign up [16]

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I peeked my head, looking into the shop, "Anyone in here?" I said, walking into the shop. I heard footsteps. Or rather those familiar clicks and clacks of clogs. "Neddy-Chan!" he stood a few steps from me in his usual look with the white paper fan in his fan, "My, my, I must say you look lovely with those new glasses."

"Thank you," I said, pushing the glasses up my nose. "Mind if I hang around here for a bit?" I asked, my fingers fiddling with the strap of my bag. "Sure," he replied as he gestured me to come in, "Mind me asking why?" I looked at Kisuke as I smiled a little, "The apartment's a little quiet without Abarai-Kun," I answered, following him as he leads me to the usual room.

I sat down with him as I rested my elbow on the table. "Sorry if I'm interrupting something..." I said, tapping my fingers gently on the wooden surface with my other hand. He shook his head, "Ah, it's alright," he said casually, "It's nice to have company once in a while," he grinned.

I raised a brow, "Don't you have Tessai,  Ururu...?" my eyebrows furrowed, trying to name of the other staff. "Jinta," a cup of green tea was slammed onto the table, causing me to jump out of my skin, "You forgot me." I turned to my side, seeing a teenager with slicked-back red hair. A pulse throbbed on his forehead. He looked at me with a scary aura emitting from him.

"Now, now, Jinta, don't scare our guest," Kisuke said, looking at the red-haired teenager.

I nervously laughed, looking away from him, "Sorry, I'm not good at remembering names," I gave him a smile as I took the cup into my hand, "Hanakari Jinta, isn't it?" I tilted my head to the side, letting my hair fall to the side. He stared at me for a second, "Yeah," he finally replied, getting up. 

He walked out of the room just like that, no goodbyes or remarks.

I nervously sipped on the tea, averting my attention back to the shop-keeper. "I don't think he likes me that much," I muttered, running my hand on the rim of the cup, pouting.

"Oh, he's always like that," Kisuke waved his hand dismissively, "He'll warm up to you eventually." 

The two of us sat in silence. It was odd, even in silence, it didn't feel awkward, it felt like a comfortable silence. I looked at Kisuke, my fingers tapping on my cheek, "I'm not sure if I apologized for that day..." I muttered, biting on my nail. He turned to me, slightly confused. "Y'know..." I said, "Having a whole breakdown right in front of you and Abarai-Kun," I bit on my pinkie finger, "Sorry you had to see me that way..."

"Oh no, you don't have to apologize," Kisuke replied, "I'm just glad you're alright now." My features softened as I gave him a smile. "Neddy-Chan," he called out. I raised my eyebrows as I hummed in response. "Ishida is taking care of the Hollows, right?" he said as he reached under the table for something. 

I nodded, "Yeah, he is." Kisuke placed something on the table. It looked like those bulky toy watch projection for kids, and it was yellow. I looked at Kisuke, a little confused, "What's that?"I asked, pointing to the device. "When Ichigo went to rescue Orihime, the town was left defenceless," Kisuke started to explain, "I put together a team to protect Karakura Town called Karakura-Raizer," his grey eyes shone for a minute as he pushed the device to me, "Wear it."

I blinked, ready to shake my head. But then I realized, I could trust that man. Even though he chased me around with his Zanpakuto a month ago. I took off my watch and safely placed it in my bag. I took the yellow watch and placed it on my wrist, facing down. It fastened itself. I looked at Kisuke, still trying to figure out why was he lending me the watch.

"By wearing that, you're now part of the Karakura-Raizer," he grinned, "You'll have your own costume and set of techniques."

I stared at him, "I'm part of the what now...?" I heard what he said, understood it even. I just couldn't believe he recruited me without even asking me. Or maybe I was just dumb enough to oblige with what he said, "Wait, I don't even know how this thing works!"

"Oh, you worry about that later," he said with a care-free tone, "I'll be sure to help you when you're out in action."

I sighed, looking at the yellow watch, "You said its a team, right?" I looked at Kisuke, "Who's in the team?"

"Originally the team has Kon, Don Kanonji, Ururu, Tatsuki, Chizuru and Keigo. But since Ichigo is in Karakura, Kon won't be part of the team and I don't expect Kanonji appearing sometime soon..." Kisuke looked up, humming as he thinks, "So it'll be the five of you, and you're the leader."

My eyes bulged out of my sockets and I nearly spit my drink out, "I'm the leader?" I blinked, my mouth slightly open, "Kisuke-San, I--," I shook my head, laughing nervously, "You have to be kidding..." I fiddled with the watch, "I... I can't lead!"

"Oh, Neddy-Chan, I believe you can," he chirped, "You also have an advantage since you're more experienced with your abilities," he said, "I believe you'll be able to lead them."

I bit on my nails, furrowing my eyebrows. I sighed in defeat, "Fine..." I muttered. "How do these work anyway?" I fiddled with the watch, but I was careful not to poke with the buttons.

"Oh, you can use your abilities normally, it just got boosted with the watch," he explained, "In order to activate it, you'll have to do a pose." I deadpanned, staring at Kisuke as if he told a stale joke. He grinned at my reaction, "If you don't do it, you'll get electrocuted."

My mouth opened to protest, but I quickly closed it and look at him in confusion. I shook my head and gestured him to continue, "Each of your team members has their own superhero name," he explained, "In honour of Shinji's nickname for you, you'll be Karakura-Raizer Angel." 

I placed my head on the table with an audible thud

"Aku nak balik." (I wanna go home.)

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