For this. [17]

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I placed my chin on the table as I looked at Kisuke. I sighed, correcting my posture. "So..." I scratched the back of my head, "I have to do a pose, or I'll get electrocuted...?" Kisuke grinned, nodding, "Oh, it's a simple pose," he said, "You just pose like the letter 'K'."

"K for Karakura-Raizer, right?" I said.

"Yup," he answered, "K for Karakura-Raizer."

"Are there other things I should know?"

"I'll just explain it to you midst battle."

I sighed, shaking my head, "How did I end up here?" I muttered, laughing after. We heard the door of the shop opened, "Kisuke!" the familiar voice made my head perk up. Kisuke got up, "Stay here for a moment, Neddy-Chan," he got out of the room. Footsteps approached the room. The door slides open, revealing Yoruichi. 

My eyes widened and my cheeks burned. Her golden eyes went to me as she grinned. "You look eager," she teased. I snapped out of my daze and shook my head as I covered my face. Oh, her physique was wow. I could tell she could be one hell of a top. "Aww, what's wrong?" she cooed, "I thought you liked looking at me."

I shook my head, feeling like I was steaming up. "U-Um..." a small voice said, "H-Here Yoruichi-San..." Ururu handed the lady a towel and an outfit. I fixed my eyes on Ururu, trying to ignore the tanned goddess next to her. "Thank you," Yoruichi said, patting Ururu's head gently before the girl ran off somewhere. I averted my gaze back to Yoruichi, focusing on her face and only her face.

I squinted my eyes, "Aren't you going to wear that?" I asked, gesturing to the clothes in her hand. She looked at me, "In a moment," she said, unfolding the fabric, "It's just uncomfortable to wear clothes sometimes." I stared at the table, looking at the details as I tried to entertain myself with that. I looked up, seeing Yoruichi fully dressed. But her outfit revealed the top of her chest.

I've seen that kind of outfit many times. But after seeing how she looked without anything on, made me flush at the mere sight of it.

I quickly looked away from her. She laughed, reaching out to ruffle my hair up.  I tensed up, shaking my head. Kisuke finally came into the room. I looked at him, seeing he didn't have anything in his hand. "I actually left because Yoruichi wanted to see your reaction," Kisuke grinned, fanning himself, "And you look awfully red, Neddy-Chan."

"You're interested in girls, aren't ya?" Yoruichi said. I snapped my head to Kisuke. Kisuke lifted both of his hands signifying he surrendered, "I didn't say anything." I looked at Yoruichi, furrowing my eyebrows, "How...?" She had a teasing smile on her pretty lips, "I just know," she said, "Plus you stared at nearly every member of the association."

"Oh, yeah, I did," I laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of my head, "I mean like... women are so pretty," I continued laughing, looking away from Yoruichi as I fiddled with a strand of my hair. "Oh, I can strongly agree with that," Kisuke commented. Then, I decided to stop talking, or I would start ranting on how women were all goddesses. 

"Huh," Yoruichi said, "Kisuke getting you into that team?" she asked. 

I looked at Yoruichi, seeing her eyeing the yellow watch, "Yup, he is," I replied, fiddling with the watch. I couldn't take the thing off, "I don't really have a choice," I nervously laughed.

She eyed me for a second, "I think you'll do fine," she said. "But if you think you need some training, I can help you out," she said, "You have to do something in return."

"What is it?" I asked, tilting my head to the side a little.

"You gotta make those cookies you made a month ago," she said, "Make some extras, so I could give it to the association."

I smiled, "Y'know I can make those without needing something in return," I paused, considering the training. But then I realized I had school and was planning to get a part-time job, "I have to pass on the training thought," I said, "I got school and other things to worry about."

"That's understandable," she said, crossing her arms. She turned to Kisuke, "She activated that thing yet?"

"Oh, no, not yet," Kisuke said.

As if on cue, the thing started to ring and light up. Thought the ringing sounded like a kitten's meow, but more high-pitched and more to annoying than adorable. The two of them leaned towards me, "Get onto the show!" Kisuke exclaimed, "There's a little map on the screen indicating where the Hollow is."

I looked at the screen, seeing the Hollow was on the other side of the town. I clicked my tongue and got up. I stumbled out of the shop, running to the location. I looked at the watch as I ran. My feet got tired as I started to push myself there. I took turns, went up hills, jumped a few walls and fences.

"You're not far from the location," Kisuke's voice rang out, causing me to get startled. I looked at the watch, "Why don't you give me some kind of transport?" I asked him as I tried to catch my breath and run at the same time. "We do have transport," he said, "Ururu-Chan is coming." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Ururu-Chan? How is she goi--," something picked me up.

I looked at what was carrying me. I blinked, seeing Ururu running pretty fast while carrying me-- who was about twice her weight-- easily. She wasn't even breaking a sweat. "Oh, this is some weird fever dream," I mumbled, letting the girl carry me.

"We're nearly there," she said in a soft, gentle tone. She stopped placing me down, then she ran off without me. I stared at her, blinking. I looked at the watch, "I'm gonna assume you asked her to do that." Kisuke was grinning, "Yup," he said. I was about to say something, but the rawr of a Hollow interrupted me.

I looked up, seeing a few Hollows in the distance. "Neddy-Chan," Kisuke called out. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "How dramatic are you?" he asked. I cringed back, "Why are you asking that?" I gave him a nervous and confused look. He looked at me, dead in the eyes, as he said,

"I need you to do a dramatic entrance."

Karakura-Raizer Angel [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now