It wasn't [19]

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We all sat at the table. I tapped my fingers against the table with my head resting on my other hand. I scanned each of them. Tatsuki was looking around the room. Chizuru was holding a photo as she drooled over it. Ururu was politely seated next to Tatsuki. I caught Keigo looking at me. He immediately looked away.

"I don't know all of you well, even though I go to the same school as y'all," I said, smiling sheepishly. I fixed my posture and tucked a hair behind my ear. "I guess we can hang out once in a while...?" I shrugged, fiddling with my fingers, "I mean, we don't have to know each other as only 'teammates' you know?"

Keigo's head perked up at the suggestion. Tatsuki eyes went to me as well as Chizuru's. I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head, "I don't know this town well... so I'll leave the activities to you guys..."

Keigo's smile got a little wider, "Wanna go for karaoke?" he asked.

I wasn't sure if my singing was good or bad. Some people found it annoying, while some found it to be angelic. Others would say my singing was good and then proceed to guilt-trip me saying their singing wasn't good. I just kept my singing voice shut every time I was around someone. I averted my gaze to Tatsuki.

She kept quiet for a minute, "Yeah, sure," she answered, turning to Chizuru, "You coming?"

Chizuru hummed, "Hime-chan isn't going to be there, right?" she asked, "If she isn't there, I'm not going!"

Tatsuki's hand turned into a fist, "You're coming," she said, an aura radiating off her, "Regardless if Orihime is there or not."

Chizuru opened her mouth to protest, but she quickly closed it. Her forehead sweating bullets, she nodded quickly. They looked at me, "You're going, right?" she asked me.

"Sure..." I said, mustering up a smile. "I just won't be singing," I mumbled under my breath. I turned to Ururu. 

She shook her head, "I-I'm sorry..." she said softly, "I have to work here..."

We all nodded, then we fell silent. I adjusted my glasses, looking at the watches charging by the wall. Kisuke came into the room, "You guys did a wonderful job!" he beamed, fanning himself as usual. Our attention went to the shop-keeper. "As you can see, Neddy-Chan would be your new leader," he snapped his fan shut, "I hope all of you can get along."

Tatsuki looked at me, "How did you get mixed up with this guy?" she asked.

"Can I ask you first?" I said.

"We decided to follow Ichigo after Orihime disappeared, and we ended up here," Tatsuki gestured the place, "And we were forced into this team."

"I wouldn't say forced," Kisuke commented.

"You're right," Tatsuki narrowed her eyes at Kisuke, "We were blackmailed."

Kisuke laughed nervously, hiding behind his fan.

Tatsuki turned to me, "What about you?"

I paused, trying to recall how the hell did I met Kisuke. Then I remembered the leg incident. "How I met him or how I ended up in the team?" I asked Tatsuki. 

She paused for a second, "Both."

"Oh," I said, "Well, remember the telephone pole incident I said? That was actually a Hollow attack..." I said sheepishly. Tatsuki's eyes widened, "I knew there was something off about that wound," she muttered. "Some Shinigamis bought me here after the incident and that's how I met the shop-keeper," I continued, "And how I ended up here... well, me and Kisuke-San were having a conversation, and he somehow made me put on that watch and that's it."

Tatsuki raised an eyebrow, "You had a conversation with that guy?" she asked, "You did by your own free will?" 

"Yeah..." I answered, "He isn't so bad. I think he's interesting."

"Oh, Neddy-Chan, you're causing me to blush," Kisuke cooed, fanning himself.

Tatsuki gestured to Kisuke, "He isn't so bad? Look at that guy, doesn't he seem suspicious?"

I shrugged, "He seems decent to me."

She sighed, "You're exactly like Orihime," she laughed a little.

I laughed with her, "Both of us been to Las Noches, so that's a bonus," I mumbled, laughing a little more with that statement.

Tatsuki paused, looking at me, "Been to where?" she asked.

I waved both of my hands frantically, "No where! Been to nowhere!" I laughed nervously. I should really keep my mouth shut. I looked at my watch, "It's getting late," I muttered, "We should head back, it's already dark."

Tatsuki got up and stretched, "Yeah, we should." The rest stood up with her, including me. I looked at Kisuke, "Thank you for having me," I smiled. Kisuke grinned, "Thanks for stopping by, Neddy-Chan," he replied. I waved the shop-keeper farewell as I left with the others.

We stood in front of the store. Something brushed up against my leg. I looked down, seeing a black cat with golden irises. Chizuru looked over, "Hey, that cat likes you," she said, squatting down to pet the cat. I looked at the cat, knowing damn well who it was. She meowed, sitting next to my leg.

I squatted down, taking out a can of tuna from my bag. I opened it up and placed it down in front of her. I gave her a pat before standing back up. Tatsuki looked at my bag, "You keep a can of tuna in your bag?" she asked, giving me a questionable look. I turned to Tatsuki, "I bring a can every time I stop by here," I gestured to the black cat, "She's always waiting here."

Tatsuki nodded, "Come on, let's get going," she said, gesturing us to go. I moved my legs to walk behind them, but Yoruichi stood in front of my legs, stopping me. I looked at the group, Keigo standing a few steps away from me, seemed like he was waiting. I gestured him to go first. He lingered there a little longer before leaving.

I squatted down, petting her, "What's wrong, you don't like this brand of tuna?" I joked, scratching the back of her ears. She leaned onto my touch, "I do like it," her voice surprised me. Her voice was deep, and it sounded like she was a male. I blinked, staring at her for a second. "Surprised?" she asked, "I get that reaction a lot."

And the fact I wasn't losing my mind over a cat was talking to me made questioned myself even more.

So I went home with the fact Yoruichi could talk in her cat form.

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