To pieces [30]

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A/N: I'm in the hospital ward because of covid-19... BUT that gives me so much more time to write now LMAOOOO
I'm okay! I've been uncomfortably busy with exams, therapy, etc, I forgot I could get sick-
Sorry for the late update but here you go!
PS: I can't beat the fanfic author stereotype where they go through the most traumatic stuff and still updates BWHAHSDHJA


I felt something soft and furry brushing against my face. I giggled, my eyes still closed. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. My eyes were puffy. I looked over to my side, seeing Yoruichi politely sitting next to me. I patted the ground, searching for my glasses, "I look ugly," I murmured, putting on my glasses.

"I've seen worse."

Yoruichi's voice caused me to flinch. I nervously laughed. "I'm not... used to it yet." I ran my fingers through my hair to fix it. I looked around, "Where's Hirako-Kun?" I asked, getting up from the floor, "What time is it?"

My hand reached out for the door and pushed it aside. The beam of sunlight was blinding, I put my hand up to block it out. I looked over to the black cat by my feet, "I...I spent the night here?" I asked.

"You fell asleep after a while," she answered with her usual deep voice.


I slid close the door behind me, stretching my arms out as I breathe in the air of Soul Society. It was different, it felt as if I was in a countryside. The air felt fresh and summer-like. It reminded me of home. I couldn't help but wonder if my family ever sent me anything from home. Or maybe I should be sending them something...

After I did a few stretches, I adjusted my dress, pressing down the wrinkled fabric to make myself more presentable. I exhaled, looking down to my feet and giving my cat companion a pat on the head.

"What should we do today?" I asked, looking up at the sky, watching the clouds moved slowly across the light-blue canvas. I picked up the black feline, cradling her in my arms, my fingers scratching her chin.

A satisfied purr could be heard from the feline. Her ears twitched a little and her eyes settled closed for a moment. I hummed, looking around the place as I thought of what the two of us could do. I wasn't familiar with the place, so I could easily get lost. I did have Yoruichi as a guide, but where exactly do I want to go?

I wondered around Seiretei, following along the white walls and blue roofs aimlessly. My hands pampering the feline with loving caresses which produced engine sounding purrs from her. Yoruichi suddenly struggled out of my arms, running away and taking a turn. Instinctively, I chased after her, wondering why she did such a move.

"Eh?! Yoruichi-Sa--!"

My lips immediately closed shut and my posture straightened up. My muscles tensed up as my chin tilted up, looking at someone right in their face. The strong scent of saké with the subtle hint of sakura petals were the first few things that I noticed. And the features that came with those were a delightful suprise.

I would say the word dilf described him perfectly. Long wavy brunette hair tied into a low ponytail, thin facial hair on his cheek and around his mouth, high cheekbones, grey eyes. He was attractive to look at, his appearance were as if he aged like fine wine.

His haori and obi-sash were cheap but the Sugegasa straw hat and his pin-wheel hairpins were well-made and looked as if it cost an arm and a leg. The pink flowered kimono which draped over his shoulders and captain uniform was charming.

Gosh, were Soul Reapers always this attractive?

He held the black feline, scratching her head. He looked over to me for a moment before flashing a warm smile. "That's a very lovely dress you're wearing." From the way he spoke, I could already tell he chased after women.

"Thank you," I mumbled, fiddling with the hem of my dress. I specifically wore it for Shinji, but it was nice for other people to notice it. I looked at his uniform closely, "Oh, you're a captain!" I tried to recall which squad he could possibly be in. I only haven't met two, and given his style I didn't thimk he was a scientist so it could be... "You're the captain of Squad 8."

"I'm quite popular, aren't I?" He joked, letting a light-hearted chuckling, "You are one of Ichigo's friends, right? My name is Kyōraku Shunsui," he tilted his straw hat towards me a little.

"My name is Neddy. It's nice to meet you, Kyōraku-san,"

"Neddy...? Oh, you're Shinji's girlfriend!" He hummed, resting the cat on his shoulder, "If you're trying to find him, he's handing in paperwork at the Squad 1 building."

I paused, looking for the right words to say, "Ah..." which were the only words that came out of my mouth. Even with what happened the night before, my dumbass still needed comfirmation from him. "I'm recognized as his girlfriend...?" I awkwardly laughed, pointing at myself.

"Well, of course, it's not everyday you see some other woman besides Hiyori with Captain Hirako. Besides, from what I heard you two are incredibly close."

"And... who did you heard that from?" As if giving an answer, Yoruichi meowed, seated properly on Kyōraku's shoulder, "Of course its you." I shook my head, smiling a little with my hands on my hips, "I've actually been here since last night. I was accompanying Hirako-kun while he did his work."

"That's very sweet of you, Neddy-chan," his smile widened in awe, "Oh, to have someone accompanying me in lonely nights."

"But... Kyōraku-san, isn't your lieutenant with you at all times?" I looked around for a brief moment, already receiving my answer. I actually wanted to see Nanao, though she didn't say much, she was lovely company.

"She is, but when it gets late she excuses herself," he sighs lazily, "Wouldn't it be nice to have a lady to share a drink with during late nights, especially when the work is pilling up."

"Kyōraku-san, I'm sure you can find someone with your charming good looks."

He laughed, "You're a sweet-talker, no wonder the captain likes you."

I shook my hands dismissively, "Believe me, he does most of the sweet talking between the two of us." I shook my head, smiling, "I was only telling the truth."

"I appreciate it. You're very lovely to talk to, Neddy-chan," he adjusted the pink kimono on his shoulder, "You and the captain should stop by the 8th Division Barracks for a drink sometime. I'll have to go, I have captain business to attend to."

"It was nice talking to you. Nice meeting you, Kyōraku-san!"

Though, according to Nanao, he wasn’t the type to do any work. I guess his definition of captain business was relaxing and drinking. Yoruichi jumped off his shoulders and walked over to me, rubbing against my feet as Kyōraku walked away.


AN: Sorry if this chapter is boring y'all. I'll get the rest done ASAP ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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