Clay opened the bedroom door, looking inside. Upon seeing George still in the middle of his search, basically naked, he immediately tensed up.

"Oh, uh. I-" He looked unsure whether to close the door and back out or to nonchalantly play it off. "Um. I'm gonna wait in your car."

With that, he shut the door with a soft click. George could hear the key clicking in the lock of the front door and Clay hurrying down the stairs.

He hadn't even had the time to process what had happened. Usually he wouldn't have been too embarrassed by being walked in on in his underwear by a friend. But of course this was different - everything was different when it came to Clay.

To his surprise, he didn't feel as awkward as he thought he would. He was too preoccupied with how Clay had reacted to care - usually his friend had a composed demeanor, but it had completely faltered upon walking in on George. He weirdly relished in having that effect over him.

He got dressed, looking himself over in the mirror. His skin had more or less returned to its normal color, his face was clean shaven and his figure was fuller. Overall, this was the healthiest he had looked since his drinking binge.

Clay had left the key in the lock for George to be able to get out. He stepped outside, turning it over and putting it in his pocket.

He took his time making his way down the stairs. Sure, he was fine with having been walked on, but Clay had seemed pretty flustered. George would've gone as far to call the expression on his friend's face discomfort.

Was that it? Had he been uncomfortable? Maybe George had completely misread the situation in thinking he was just a little thrown off balance and it was going to be weird between them. Before he had enough time to overthink, though, he had already made his way down the stairs and into the underground building parking lot.

He'd only been down there a handful of times since he'd moved into the city. On the better days, when he was conscious enough to function in between his drinks, he'd try to maintain and upkeep his car. Just a few basic things - cleaning it out, making sure the engine hadn't died, etc.

It gave him a sense of accomplishment, even if it was relatively tiny. It made him feel like he had at least a tiny part of his life under control. Thinking back now, alcohol had been holding the reins for the rest of it.

Clay had kept true to his word and was now sitting in the driver's seat, scrolling through his phone. The light off the screen reflected onto the side window like a little spotlight in the dim parking lot.

George circled around the car to the other side, opening the door and sliding into the passenger seat. "Did I say you could take my seat, Clay?"

Clay put away his phone, giggling. "Well, I got here first, so..." He turned the key into ignition. "Finders keepers, losers weepers, or whatever."

George rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, but he secretly loved the banter. He kind of preferred being in the passenger seat, watching Clay all focused and serious as he navigated his way out of the parking space. He couldn't keep his eyes off of how his hands gripped the steering wheel with such a firm hold, how he confidently but carefully made his movements.

George leaned back against his seat, closing his eyes. "This is crazy."

He felt light hit his closed eyelids as they presumably left the underground parking lot. He flung the back of his hand over his eyes, leaning his elbow onto the rolled down window slot.

"What's crazy?"

"Well, you know. I suggested the drive partly as a joke." He straightened, opening his eyes. The sunlight hit his face from the right. "And you just... sprung into action."

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