"Are you serious!?" He asked and Izuku sadly nodded his head. "What kind of fucking sickness is that!?" "A stupid one." Izuku mumbled while he tightens his grip on the blankets yet again. "Out of all the things my dad could have left me with it was his dumb rare illness." "Your dad?" Bakugou questioned and Izuku nodded.

"Wait, is that... is that how he died?" Bakugou asked and Izuku nodded again. "My mom told me that he was sleeping and he had a really bad seizure and yeah..." Izuku explained.
"So c-can that happen to you?" Bakugou asked his eyes full of worry thinking that he could lose Izuku at any time. He happily let out a sigh of relief when Izuku shook his head.

"No my condition doesn't make me have seizures like he did." "So what can happen to you?" Bakugou asked wanting to know what else could possibly happen to his precious Izuku besides the worst thing ever which is death.

"Do you know what SCID or SPS is?" "The first one kinda sounds familiar." Bakugou said and Izuku nodded as if knowing that's what he was going to say. "Yeah, the first one is more commonly known than the other one even though they're both extremely rare. And my dad and I were lucky enough to be diagnosed with both." Izuku said sarcastically frowning sadly afterward. Bakugou reached out and gently caressed his cheek causing Izuku to softly smile up at him.

"*sigh* Okay so stiff-person syndrome or SPS affects my nervous system mainly my brain and my spine. So I get really bad muscle spams which just means the muscles in and around my joints ache and get really tight. It's kinda random but they always happen when I laugh a lot." "When you laugh? But you laugh all the time!" Bakugou exclaimed now regretting all the times he made Izuku laugh.

"Yeah well, I've kinda gotten used to masking out the pain so whenever they start I cough so it doesn't seem like I'm in actual pain. When they happen randomly though I just bite my tongue and smile it off." Izuku explained making Bakugou frown.

"Are those the only time it can happen?" Bakugou asked and Izuku shook his head. "They get even worse when I'm emotionally distressed, when someone touches me, sudden movement, and really loud noises. Though the last two don't really affect me that much. Oh and if it's a really bad spasm I can fracture my bone." Izuku explained and Bakugou slowly started to take his hand off of Izuku's.

"Being touched? That's why you don't like physical contact. And that's why your mom got so mad at us when she saw us dancing together." "Yeah...but after some time with the person..." Izuku started and reached out to hold the hand Bakugou had just pulled away. "I don't get that hurt." He told him and smiled making Bakugou smile as well although now he's concerned about being close to Izuku.

"What about your other sickness." Bakugou asked and Izuku sighed. "Severe combined immunodeficiency or SCID basically I don't really have an immune system so I could get extremely sick really quickly. That's why I can't leave the hospital I can't even open the window since outside contains so many germs and bacteria that are harmless for you but deadly to me." Bakugou silently nodded as he stared down at his hand holding Izuku's, his grip on it tightening before quickly relaxing.

"So you were kept in your room this week because?" He asked still staring down at their hands. "Oh, I get yearly surgery to try and help me manage." Bakugou just nodded. Izuku frowned his eyebrows furrowing together with worry. "Kacchan are you okay?" He asked leaning in closer to Bakugou so he could see his face. "Pfft, I should be asking you that!" Bakugou said looking back up at Izuku with a pained expression in his eyes.

"*sigh* Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want you to treat me differently..." Izuku mumbled quietly with his head hanging low. "I feel like if I told you I was sick you'd treat me like some sort of charity case. You would probably just be nice to me out of pity. That's why I didn't want to tell you straight away. I wanted to be with the real you. But I'm sorry for lying... I-I just didn't want to lose you." Izuku mumbled softly.

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