When the time for spring draws near, the fairies in Pixie Hollow choose a venue on a whim to host it.


I'm told they wear luxurious clothes and show them off at a gorgeous fashion show to celebrate 'Spring'.


A fashion show? You're freakin' kidding me.


Let's just get on with scattering the fairies and taking the magic gem back.


No, we must not do that!


The Fairy Gala is not a mere fashion show as we know it. It's specifically to call the spring.


If we were interrupt, the fairies would get angry at having failed......


And Twisted Wonderland would fall into eternal winter.


You have no choice but to accept if you are chosen as the festival venue..... Which is why the Fairy Gala is such a burden.

Riddle:So they'll get out of control if they're provoked. What a troublesome bunch.

Malleus: Fairies are surprisingly stubborn, and a lot of them get angry over trivial things. You don't often find such gentle fairies as myself.


Yikes, you guys' jokes are really intense.

Crowley: We cannot scatter the fairies away, yet we can't afford to sit here politely and wait for the Gala to end. I've heard stories that the closing ceremony can continue on for three months...

Without that magic gem, the entire academy's air conditioning will end up in a terrible state. And we would be unable to give lessons! Let's get it back together!

Crowley:.....What is this! None of you seem enthusiastic at all!!

Idia: And there it is, as usual. An adult's ego so ready to dump his problems on his students.

Riddle: It's true that not being able to provide lessons is a issue. But that's not a problem students should be solving?

Vil: When it comes to the college, the one who should take responbilty for the college is the one in charge of it. I'm a student. It's nothing to do with me.

Crowley: You are all so terribly cold!.....Alas. You have spoken your feelings.

Crowley: I understand. Therefore, unfortunately until the Fairy Gala ends and we can fix the air conditioning, school is suspended!

Kalim: Wah, a holiday? Oh yeah!!

Hazel: Guys. you do realize you'll have to repeat a year right?


Kalim: What~~~!!!

Riddle: You must be joking!!!!!! To think I should be made to repeat a year?!

Vil: This is problematic for me, too. To be held back a year would horrendously affect my image!

Crowley: Exactly? I'm saying it's okay for you all to take a holiday but it wouldn't come without its problems?? I can simply not let your education be overlooked.... For I am kind!

Riddle: I'm not happy about it, but I have no choice.

Azul: This is unreasonable, yet it cannot be helped in the face of being held back a year.

Crowley: Then it is decided? We shall combine our efforts and overcome this predicament together!

However, Hazel had a thought come to mind, and she headed off.

"Where are you going Hazel?" Riddle asked.

"I'll be right back, I have an idea of my own." She said confusing the dorm leaders.

Meanwhile, Crowley redirected their attention to get the gem back.

When Hazel got back, she saw that the boys were unsuccessful in getting the gem back.

"I can guess your plan didn't work." Hazel said as she carried a small box all wrapped up nicely.

The dorm leaders and Crowley all saw she was in a nice dress, and wondered what the box was for.

"Hazel, you look lovely, but what's the present for?" Riddle asked.

"You'll see. Since what you guys had didn't work, I'll go get the gem." Hazel said as she entered the garden.

She was spotted by the fire fairies, but they recognized her as the nice girl who gave them the nice firewood, and greeted her.

"Hello there. Do you mind if you take me to your queen? I have a present for her." Hazel said as she gestured to the present in her hands. 

The fire fairies smiled and led her to the queen. 

Hazel curtsied to the queen with a smile and spoke. "Hello your majesty. I apologize for interrupting your gala, but I brought a gift for you." She said as she handed out the gift.

The Fairy Queen looked surprised, and then smiled as she opened up the gift.

It was a lovely golden diadem with a Celtic design around a heart shaped gem, with lotus flowers in yellow on both sides of the headpiece.

The Fairy Queen joyfully took off the magic gem tiara and put the diadem on. And as a thanks/apology, she gave the crown back to Hazel once the young witch explained why it had to be returned. Hazel curtsied and apologized again for disrupting the gala, and headed back to the others.

Then she turned to Crowley and handed him the tiara with the magic gem. 

"There, now was that hard to do?" Hazel bluntly stated before she walked off as Grim took a ride on her shoulder snickering. 

"Heehehehhehe! Just like the old 'North Wind and the Sun' you told me that one time, huh?" He laughed.

"Yup. 'Persuasion always overpowers force'."


My own twist on the outcome of getting the magic gem back.

Plz comment and stay safe!

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