To appease the Tyrant part 2

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Early the next morning, Hazel was in another room drawing out designs the mirror for her dorm to put in the Hall of Mirrors. She figured to have the frame to be simple yet have a gothic touch to it. It would have the Mortishackle insignia on the top, then it would be accompanied with Death's skeletal hands creeping out the top. Along with it would be some tombstones, mourning flowers and a scale that was used to balance to items with items to symbolize equality or neutrality.

[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm – Lounge]

"You up already, Hazel? Remember, today is the Unbirthday Party, remember? It's off with our heads if we're late." Deuce told Hazel as he was getting ready. Then he went to the door once he heard a knock. "Hello?"

It was Cater.

"Good morning~! How was yesterday's sleepover~? Did you experience youth fully by playing cards and other games~?"

Ace replied to him with a sleepy expression. "(yawns) Good morning, Cater-senpai. Yeah, we played some cards. Hazel didn't though. Said she was busy with something else."

"And Grim didn't know the rules so he kept picking old maid." Hazel pointed out with a grin.

"Damn it...! I couldn't win at all!!" Grim complained.

"Your face completely shows when you get the joker card, you know?" Deuce pointed out.

"Then, shall we hurry and bring the tarts we made to apologize to Riddle?" Cater suggested.

[LOCATION: Heartslabyul Dorm]

The group approached the grounds as Ace had a look of determination. "Alright, I'll head on and bring the tart to the Dorm Head so I can apologize..." Then the group saw a group of least three Caters?!

CATER B: "Hey, you're finally here~! What took you so long, me?"

CATER A: "I'm home~! Sorry for the wait, me~"

ALL: !!??

"Th-there are two Diamond-senpais...!?" Deuce asked.

"You were a twin!?" Ace yelled.

"Oh, no. I'm the only male sibling. This is my unique magic, Split Card. I can make clones of myself using magic~!"

"So this is the reason why we couldn't beat him at all the other day..."

CATER C: "Welcome back~"

CATER D: "Welcome, Hazel~ ♪"

CATER B: "It was so difficult~ You made me wait so long, Acey~"

"There's more of him!!" Ace said in shock.

"I'm getting dizzy just watching this." Hazel said holding her head.

"By the way, the real Cater is me~ Cloning myself is pretty tiring, so I don't want to prolong this. In any case, it's off with our heads if we're late. We'd better get going! Me army, we're done for the day~!" The original Cater said to his clones.

"Aye, aye, sir~" Said the clones before vanishing.

[LOCATION: Heartslabyul Dorm – Tea Garden]

HEARTSLABYUL STUDENT: "Make way for our leader, the Red Ruler: Prefect Riddle!"

HEARTSLABYUL STUDENTS: "Three cheers for Prefect Riddle!"

"Indeed. The roses are red and the tablecloths are white. Truly a perfect Unbirthday Party." Riddle smirked approvingly. He then saw that Hazel was at the party as well, and she looked really nice in the Heartslabyul dress provided for her. He felt like he had to make sure things right for her. "The Dormouse is sleeping inside the teapot just as planned, correct?"

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