A chase and an Unlikely Alliey

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GRIM: "We're intruding! Where is Ruggie Bucchi?
RUGGIE: "Yeah? Ugh, it's you guys again...
RUGGIE: No matter how much you beg, I'm not paying you back for that deluxe sandwich~
RIDDLE: "Ruggie Bucchi. There's something we would like to ask you about the consecutive incidents regarding the injury of selected players.
RUGGIE: "Oh...? That doesn't sound like a friendly accusation.
CATER: "Won't you come with us for a bit~?
RUGGIE: "I get it already! So please, don't hurt me or anything...

[LOCATION: Interior Hallway]

RIDDLE: "Now then...
RIDDLE: I know that he won't easily confess, but it will be troublesome if we fell victim to his unique magic.
RIDDLE: With my "Off with your head," I will–
RUGGIE: "Oh, what's this~? Will you be okay using such strong magic without your magical pen, Riddle-kun~?
RIDDLE: Eh? H-huh...? My magical pen's not here...!
GRIM: Hey, Cater! Your pen's gone, too!
CATER: No way? Really!?
RUGGIE: "Shishishi! You guys are spoiled rich kids through and through, huh~?
RUGGIE: You're both so wide open! So vulnerable~
GRIM: "Wha–!? When did he use his magic to get your magical pens!?
RUGGIE: "Aw, come on~ I don't have to use magic to do something so simple!
RUGGIE: And so, I feel like I'm gonna get jumped if I stay, so I'm gonna dash~!
RUGGIE: Bye-bye~!"

GRIM: "Hey, wait!!"
RIDDLE: Wait! It's off with your head if you don't stop at once! Off with–
CATER: "Wait a second, Riddle! You just recovered from Blot, so you shouldn't use magic much!" Hazel said. "Let me handle it. I can't guarantee I'll get him, but I'll get the pens back. Besides, even if we get him, all we have are our words, and enough proof."

Riddle knew his soulmate was right and nodded.

After a wild chase, Hazel was able to catch up with Ruggie and get the pens back with an Accio and flung him back with a stupefy.

That really scared me for a sec...
I have to admit, you were able to cut me off a few times, despite being tired. But I know you know you don't have evidence on me. Though now, I'm probably gonna be told to keep a closer eye on you now.
Bye-bye~♪" The hyena laughed as he disappeared.
At that Ace and Deuce, who heard what happened found Hazel out of breath, but successful in getting the pens back.

ACE: Damn, he pisses me off!
DEUCE: Prefect Rosehearts will have our heads now...

'He just said "next time" didn't he?
Maybe he still has something up his sleeves?' Hazel thought as she grasped the pens, but was still mad of the turnout of the chase.

"You're still playing detectives?" A familiar voice grunted.
It was Jack.
ACE: Wha—You should've helped instead of just watching. Your dorm senpai's a total bad guy, y'know?
JACK: "Why are you so desperate to try and help others?"
DEUCE: For others' sake?
JACK: I understand that you'd want to avenge your hurt friends, but...I was asking Potter.
"Cause I  have a habit of helping those in need, plus, I had a feeling that I would be drawn into it either way." Hazel said. "Why are you here, Jack?"

JACK:.... I thought that there wouldn't be someone who would do this out of their free will. But when I heard you turned down an offer to compete to be a ref instead...I couldn't ignore it anymore. You're different from the other jerks.

ACE: Really now? You're worse than we are, dude. You knew about it all along, didn't you?
ACE: You knew who the culprits were all this time.
GRIM: Ah! You're from the same dorm so you knew you wouldn't be targeted!" Grim shouted in accusation.
"... Hey, you lot. Duel with me.
ACE: Hah?! Why that all of a sudden?
"Before I give information away, Potter will have to beat me first.
I'm also curious to see if there's more to you than meets the eye.

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