The Crimson Tyrant part 1

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It had been a few days since Hazel and Grim became new students and Hazel had already garnered attention from suitors and challengers.

Some of the suitors would follow her around even after school was over, but she would send them running by allowing Grim to roast them. When that didn't work, she would hex the boys with some spells that would make them speak gibberish, have their legs entangled, or even get bopped upside the head. She was seriously considering to get some restraining orders from Crowley.

Unkowing to her, a certain pair of twins were watching her as well.

"Hmm, I've heard of her a little bit, but do you think we should do further research on her before going to Azul?"

"I agree. It would give us an advantage if we have something rather than gossip about her. Besides, she will probably be more exciting than all the other students here." The two interacted as they left.


Night had already fallen at the Mortishackle dorm and Hazel and Grim were getting ready for bed when they heard a knock at the door.

"Who could that be at this hour?" Hazel said in her night gown and robe as she went to open the door. 

It was Ace, her classmate. And he was wearing some kind of red and black collar on him.

"What's with the collar?!?!" Grim asked.

"Geez! I'm never returning to Heartslabyul. I'm gonna be a member of this dorm from here on!" He said
GRIM and Hazel: WHAT~~~!?!?

"Why is that? And why are you wearing that on your neck?" Hazel asked.

"I ate a tart."

This earned him a confused look from the two.

"That's it?" Hazel asked, eyebrow raised.

"Exactly! Only that! I got hungry, so I went to the dorm's kitchen. The tart was just sittin' right there inside the fridge. And like, three whole ones! That's why..." Ace began to explain.

---Flashback to the Heartslabyl kitchen---

"(sighs) It's only the first day and I'm so tired~ I missed dinner, so I'm very hungry." As Ace went over to the fridge. 
Wonder if there's anythin' in the fridge... Oh, found a tart! Looks delish~! There's a lot, so I'm not sure if I can finish it all ♪" He said as he took a tart out and started eating.
"Thanks for the food~ Whoa, what the heck?! It's so good!"
"Of course, it would be delicious. After all, anything that Trey makes is bound to be exquisite." A voice said behind him.

"Nah, man, this is something else! It's better than the ones at the shops... Wha– Prefect?!" Ace said in surprise and fear.
"Quite the boldness you have there for touching something that belongs to me. Queen of Hearts Rule #89: "You shall not eat tarts prepared for the Queen ahead of her." Larceny of the Queen's tarts is a capital crime! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" Riddle said with a frown on his face.


------------End Flashback-----------

" And that's what happened...

The Mortishackle residents were silent for a while...then...

"You've only got yourself to blame."

"But ain't it overreacting to seal my magic just 'cause I ate his tart?! It's practically the same as tying my hands and my feet! Plus, there were three whole ones! He can't possibly finish all of those! There's a limit to how heartless he can be!" Ace complained.

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