Omake Dance: Idia's Goddess

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Idia really didn't like social gatherings, he thought that they were so stuffy. But in this case he really didn't have an option since it was a gathering of those with the power of the Olympian gods. He never really had a high opinion of the demigods, especially those who took after Zeus. While the Olympian gods spent their lives living it up, Hades was saddled with working tirelessly every day managing the gloomy underworld. 

His soulmate was one of the few people that could sympathize with the Lord of the Dead, having to always be busy.

At the gala, the demigods couldn't believe that Idia had come with the famous 'Woman-who-Conquered'. She wore a sleeveless dress that looked somewhat similar to the toga that the Lord of the Dead wore, but it had a blue ombre that looked more like blue fire and it swirled up the dress stopping at the chest area, and her necklace was a simple skull charm.

A lot of the male demigods, mostly those who had Zeus' power attempted to impress her or get her to dance. But she always turned them down saying she had a partner already as she looped an arm around Idia's, making him feel confused on whether to be smug or embarrassed.

But either way, it made him feel reassured she was his Goddess.


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