Welcome to Night Raven College!

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In a dark location...

"Ah, I was told that we were to gain a new arrival to our campus. I wonder what he is like mirror." A man in black and a crow mask said to an enchanted mirror.

"This new student is of Venus, rather than Mars. The first to be received, alas she was touched with pain and scars." The mirror said.

"A female student?" An aristocratic looking man with a cat asked.

"Heh! It's about time!" A burly man in exercise gear said.

"So, who is the new pup coming our way?" A man with dual colored hair asked.

"Hair as black as midnight, a lineage associated with Death, eyes that shame even an Emerald."


When Hazel came to, all she could see was darkness, and from the looks of it, she was in a coffin.

"What the? How did I get in a coffin?" 

Hazel pushed with all her might and was able to open up the coffin with some of her magic and looked around. She appeared to be in a place with coffins that seemed to be floating around.

"What is this place..?" She questioned as she then turned her head to come face to face with...

"...A floating, fire racoon?"

"HEY! I'm no racoon! The name's Grim, and don't you forget it, because I'm gonna be the most powerful sorcerer in the world! Now, give me those clothes! Or else... I'll roast you whole!"

"What?! You little pervert! You realize I'm female, right?" Hazel asked as she took out her wand against the critter.

"Hey, I don't have time to fool around! I-"

"Immobulus!" Hazel said, paralyzing the cat/raccoon? and picking him up.

"What do I do with you now?"

"That was amazing! You didn't even need my help!" A new voice applauded.

"Wha? Who might you be sir?" Hazel asked.

"My name is Dire Crowley, the headmaster of Night Raven College. 

Its a place where magicians with exceptional talents gather, in Twisted Wonderland's most prestigious magician training academy. we were informed of a new arrival, and it appears that it was you miss. To be honest, you're also first female student we've ever received, since this is an all-boys school to begin with." Crowley explained. 

"I see."

"Well, since the ceremony won't be commencing because of certain events, I can still be able to ask the mirror where to put you first." He said as a mirror showed up with a face in it.

"Now, state thy name."

"Hazel Catherine Potter."

That took Crowley and Grim by surprise.

"What did you say?!" Grim yelled.

"Potter? As in Hazel Potter herself?" He asked with some wonder.

"...Yes sir."

"Certainly, this is indeed she." The mirror said.

"Then it's an honor to have the famous witch enter our school." Crowley bowed to her.

"Unfortunately, because of her many layers of her power and personality, I can't place her in any of the dorms." The mirror said.

Crowley had a frown on his face for a while until a look of thought came across his face.

"I just realized. We have one dorm that can be of use. It's abandoned, but it's all we've got." He said.

"I don't mind."

"Hey! What about me?!" Grim yelled.

"Well, I suppose you can also take your familiar if you can keep him under control." Crowley said.

"I accept."


No one knew that a certain famous witch was gonna be new to the start of the school year, they at least knew that they were the first female to be accepted.


"Hm, this new student may be female, but if she disobeys any rules, it'll be off with her head."


"A female student? We'll see if she's prepared for this school."


"I hope that this girl will visit us soon, the poor unfortunate soul."


"I still can't believe we're finally getting a girl to attend this place! I can't wait to meet her!"


"Finally, a young girl attending this academy. I bet she'll be beautiful."


"A new problem child. As long as they mind their own business, I don't care."


".....Well, I see no one has told me of the new student, but no matter. I have a feeling I'll see her soon enough."


Here's the next part!

I will need more suggestions for Riddle, Leona, and Azul interacting with Hazel since I'm still doing work on them.

Stay safe everyone!

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