Holiday Invatation

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[LOCATION: Mortishackle Dorm – Hallway]

Hazel shivered slightly as she walked down the hallway with a yawn. Winter was coming around the bend, so it wasn't much of a surprise. She was then greeted by her ghostmates.

GHOST A: Oh, Hazel. Why do you look so sleepy?
GHOST B: You look like you've seen a ghost, hihihi!.
GHOST C: Today's the last day of the fall semester. Brace yourself so you don't end up like a lot of those other carefree young'uns, okay?
GHOST A: Oh, yeah! Tomorrow's the start of the winter holiday? Do you have any plans already?
GRIM: Hm? Winter holiday...? Wazzat?
GHOST A: It's winter break. Most of the students go home to their families to celebrate until the new year. I hear there's a lotta feasts, too!
GRIM: Wha–!? Feasts!?
GHOST C: Indeed! There's roast turkey, cakes, and even gingerbread. Well, it's not like we can eat it.
GHOST A: There are ghosts who go to the other world to spend time with their families, too.
GHOST B: But there are some who don't return here! Hihihi!
GRIM: Spending time with family while eating a feast...

"You have a family or a home Grim?" Hazel asked her dormmate.

GHOST A: That's right! What about your family, Grim, boy?
GRIM: My family? Hm... I don't remember much about them.
 I feel like I just woke up alone and hungry.
 It was really cold and I remember waiting for a long time for someone to come get me...
 ... And then, what happened after that again...? I can't remember much. I was still young when it happened...
Well, I'm not the type to dwell on the past, yanno!
The future matters more! After all, I'm gonna become a super great magician! Gahahaha!
GHOST A: You've had your fair share of trouble, too, huh~!
GHOST C: Won't it be fun to spend the holidays together with us this year then?
GRIM: Nyaha! We'll have a feast! I'm excited for the holidays!

Ghost B: What about you Hazel?

"Well, I didn't have a proper holiday vacation until I was 11. To be honest, I never got any presents until then at my old school. My relatives which I was saddled with weren't the nicest people. So I pretty much stayed over at school over the holidays, and a couple of students would too." Hazel explained. 

"Ah, yea, I remember one ghost telling me about them. I think he called them; 'The worst sort of humans imaginable!', and 'They looked like a bunch of escaped zoo animals. Miss Potter's parents were much more appealing and attractive.'" The small ghost said, making Hazel giggle at that. Their friend wasn't wrong.


Later that day, Hazel and her classmates were in their last day of class.

CREWEL: Listen, you pups.
Holidays start tomorrow... I understand that you want to go home and have fun.
However, there are a lot of students who frolic so much that they forget to do their homework!
 A strict disciplinary action is waiting for pups like that when they get back. Be careful.
You've been given permission to go home via the Mirror at one o'clock. Get your belongings and stand in front of the Mirror when you're ready.
STUDENTS: Yes, sir!

(Students chatting...)

ACE: Phew, we'll finally be released from our cramped dorm room~!
DEUCE: As expected from Night Raven College... This is a lot of homework.
ACE: Oh, yeah. You're spending the holidays here, right Haze, Grim?

Hazel: Well, I had a habit of staying at my old school during the holidays for my own reasons.
GRIM: And we promised to have a feast with the ghosts, yanno!
ACE: I see. There're a lotta ghosts at school, so you're not completely alone.
DEUCE: Hm? But if the school's at break, doesn't that mean that the stores and cafeteria are on break, too?
GRIM: Wha–!? That's right! What're we gonna do about my feast then!?

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