The Aftermath

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The whole Magift Tournament was exciting to say for the most part. But Diasomnia won like last time. Right now those of Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw were in the Infirmary room on campus and Hazel was looking over them.
LEONA: Tch... Those guys seriously aimed for us and not the disc.
RUGGIE: Thanks to that, we were all worn out before we even went against Diasomnia. They won in the end.
JACK: Leona-senpai, Ruggie-senpai! I didn't realize you were awake, too!
LEONA: Tch... To think that I'd use the clinic's bed aside from my naps.
RUGGIE: It's sorta irritating to think that there's no one from Diasomnia here at all.
ACE: I heard the rumors, but Diasomnia's Prefect is no joke at all!
DEUCE: Yeah... He was amazing.
ACE: I totally understand why no one thinks they can win against him...
JACK: Hmph. You really won't win if you think that before you fight him.
I'll show you that I can win against Diasomnia without cheating!
LEONA: Being a cheater can also work to your advantage, you know?

"You totally haven't reflected on this at all..." Hazel bluntly stated.

LEONA: Why? Is there a need for that?
I gave my all in the tournament this year. And next year, I'll just have to do the same.
RUGGIE: Shishishi! That's our Leona-san! That's what we like to hear~!
JACK: Geez. I thought we'd all learned...
GRIM: We'll definitely be in the tournament next year for sure!
DEUCE: We'll have to do our best so we can be chosen, too.
ACE: Yeah. I don't wanna embarrass myself in front of all those people either.

Then the group heard little footsteps running toward them, and the door opened to reveal a small red-haired kid with lion ears like Leona.

RED-HAIRED KID: I finally found you, Uncle!

GRIM: Who the heck's that kid?
RED-HAIRED KID: Uncle Leona~!
LEONA: Ah, damn it... The annoying one's here.
JACK: Uncle... Leona...?
Leona sighed as he explained "This little furball's Cheka, my brother's son. ................ He's my nephew."
ALL: NEPHEW~~~~~~!?
RUGGIE: That means... The one who's next in line for the throne is...
CHEKA: Your match was so cool, Uncle! Teach me how to play next time~!
LEONA: I get it already, so don't shout in my ear!
Where are your bodyguards? They might be searching for you.
CHEKA: I wanted to see you so badly so I left them~ Hehe~
JACK: Um... The root of all evil for Leona-san is...

'This innocent angel...? Or maybe not, he did slip away from the guards.' Hazel thought with a smile.

GRIM: He's really attached to you, yanno?
LEONA: Shut it. Stop staring!

"Hey, hey, Uncle! When are you coming home? Next week? The week after that? Ah! Did you read my letters?" The little prince said in excitement, jumping around.
LEONA: Yeah, I told you already. I'll go back home on the holida—Ow, don't sit on my stomach!
JACK: H-he's just sitting on Leona-san's stomach so casually...!?
RUGGIE: Hahaha! This is awesome!
So this is the reason why Leona-san never wants to go home.
CHEKA: Are you all Uncle's friends?
ACE: (laughing) Yup, we're his friends~ Right, Uncle Leona~?
RUGGIE: Uncle... Ahahaha! Ow, ow... Laughing hurts so much...
LEONA: Stop laughing, you bastards! You better remember this...!

Then the energetic kid looked at Hazel and his eyes lit up when he saw her scar.
"That scar! You're Hazel Potter!" Cheka squealed in joy as he ran to Hazel, hugging her legs. "I heard you're attending this school too, and I really wanted to meet you! I saw you in the pre-match against Uncle Leona and you looked like a warrior like the women of the Afterglow Savanna!"

"I'm glad you were entertained at least. You mentioned of the the women of your country, right? Why is that?"

"Back home, we were taught to respect women. Right, Uncle?"

Leona looked away to the side, only to look at the mark he had for a while, and Ruggie noticed it too.

"Hey, ain't that Mortishackle's mark? Is it a tattoo ya got without telling us?" He said getting everyone's attention.

Hazel spoke up at that. "Actually no, that's a soulmark, and if I had to guess, I got another one at the same time." Hazel said as she revealed the lion claw soulmark on her shoulder.

"What's a soulmark?" Leona asked.

Hazel told Leona what it basically was and what it meant, and to his and Jack's and Ruggie's surprise, he was one of her soulmates, and he would have to share her along with Riddle and others.

"Man, this is a pain." Leona rumbled scratching his head.

"Maybe, but it's no different in the wild, especially in Hazel's case, since she's the last of her line. So, she would be expected to have more kids either way." Jack said.

"On the bright side, it should cease all those annoying marriage proposals. Since she's technically taken." Ruggie said try to make the situation lighter.

But then Cheka spoke up...
"What's a soulmate?"

"Well, basically, a soulmate is a significant other or a life partner that completes a person." Hazel explained the best way she could.

Cheka looked wide-eyed for a moment before finally lighting up and jumping up and down.

"Then that mean, you're Uncle's girlfriend, and so my aunt?! I can't wait to tell mama and papa!" The kid squealed as he scrambled off to Leona's dismay.

"Wait! Come back here! Cheka!!" Leona shouted as the others laughed at this scene.

"Hey, I didn't mean for that to happen, but I would've become his new aunt anyway. To be honest, I have a godson who's his age. He's the same way." Hazel said patting Leona's shoulder.

"She's got a point." Grim interjected.


[LOCATION: Octavinelle Dorm – Lounge]

AZUL: The sales for this year's tournament went up by 12% compared to last year's, correct? What a favorable result.
FLOYD: But y'know~ It would've been faster if we didn't end up in the bottom for this year's tournament.
AZUL: That does not matter.
In the end, the Magical Shift Tournament is but a simple game where people run around chasing after a disc.
The field where we from Octavinelle truly shine is... Yes.
The written exams!
JADE: Azul, the client has contacted us. They will be meeting with us directly in the Lounge tonight.
AZUL: Understood. Then, shall we prepare a special welcome for our guest?
Now then, what kind of wish will they make? How truly exciting. Fufufu... Oh. I almost forgot. Did you two do some further research on Miss Potter?
Jade: Of course. From what we found, she's a real wild card.
Floyd: I think it's fair to say we may actually hit the jackpot if we get her cornered.

The twins said as they gave him some information, and certain tidbits of her fame and other things were gather in some paper.

Azul: (reads some bank info, news clippings,) Fufufu. Good, but for now we bide our time. I know just the people to use as bait to lure her in. The problem with those that challenged her in the past is that they treated her as an adversary, an enemy. That led to their downfall. Especially the dark lord.
But me? I have a different method.
She may be the WOMAN WHO CONQUERED, but she's still a female.
She needs to be...handled as a woman.
I can't wait.

Here's the next part of the story.
Ah, this is my fav.
Azul is my personal favorite character to be honest.
Plz comment and stay safe!

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