Teddy meet Savanaclaw

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After the little tea party, Teddy and Hazel continued the mini tour as they fond themselves in the Savanaclaw Dorm grounds.

"Hey Hazel! You didn't tell us you'd be visiting." Ruggie said as he spotted Hazel with Jack not too far behind. 

Then Teddy spoke up.

"Are you a hyena and a wolf?" He innocently asked.

This surprised the two since a kid correctly figured out their animal backgrounds.

"Y-yeah. Hazel, who's the kid?"

"This is my godson Teddy, he's gonna be staying with me now since his grandmother passed away." Hazel said earning a look from Ruggie.

"I didn't know you were a godmother."

"You never asked."

Jack took a look at the kid smiling brightly and he caught a scent of something close to a wolf...werewolf? on him. Is this kid part werewolf?

Then they heard Leona coming by, and Teddy said that he was lion, making him raise an eyebrow, then look surprised when the kid's hair turned into his. 

"Teddy, this is Leona, one of my soulmates I told you about. Leona, I want you to meet Teddy, my godson." Hazel introduced the two to each other. 

"How did he do that with his hair?" Leona asked.

"His birth mother, a distant relative of mine was a metamagus, or shapeshifter and the trick he could do with his hair is a subpower." Hazel explained, along with the fact his dad was a werewolf.

"Waddya know, now Jack's got someone to be a pack with!" Ruggie joked and Jack got an embaressed look.


Here's the Savanaclaw part. Next is Octavinelle!

And just curious; what do think would be the NRC staff's reactions and interactions with Teddy? Fun fact: Teddy gets along well with animals

plz comment and stay safe!

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