The Woes of Ms. Brown- Chapter 2

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(A/N well I'm in a bad mood now because I had this awesome chapter. Then: poof! Gone... :P)

Ms Brown slapped him across the face.

"Baby you know I like it rough." Mr F growled. Ms Brown looked appaled and began to say something, but was cut off by Mr F's kiss.

"Mrphrhphr!" Ms Brown tried to say. Carson, Aaron, and Hunter got up to help her, but Mr F pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at the boys, all while still kissing Ms Brown. Ms Brown fought and kicked, to no avail. Finally, Mr F came up for air. Ms Brown let out a gut-wrenching, blood-curdling, send-the-neghbors-running-to-call-the-cops scream. Almost immediately, Miss Krelli, Mrs Smith, and Mr Mosier came running. They all stopped short at the peculiar sight before them. Mr Mosier ran and pried Mr F off Ms Brown; while the 2 girl teachers ran to comfort Ms Brown.

"What is the meaning of this Richard?" Mr Mosier roared.

"He-he kissed me... When I didn't want t-to kiss him." Ms Brown said, trembling with anger. Mr Mosier tuned his back on Mr F for a moment. When he turned back around, Mr F had grabbed Lauren, a girl who sat by the window, by her flaming red hair.

"You can't say I didn't warn you, Megan." Mr F grinned. He grabbed Lauren and jumped out the window. The teachers ran to he window, while the kids stayed stock still.

"Shit..." Ms Brown groaned; immediately covering her mouth with her hand. She twisted her long, thick, poofy, black, hair into a bun and back out again, like she always did when she was nervous. "They're gone..."

She bent over and picked up a piece of paper on the floor. It read:

Ms Brown,

The kids know too much. Either you get them out immediately, or I send someone (I think you know who I'm talking about, Megan.) I don't want to hurt the kids unless I have to. Get them out. As for Lauren, well, you just might have to come get her. You know where we are Megan.

Always yours,

Richard F.

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