A Trip To A Camp (Part 2)

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(I'm actually really surprised people are reading and liking this book.  I find certain things I've written as super cringy or boring or something, and I did not mean for that, lol)

Slowly opening my eyes, I found myself on a couch in a cabin with bony arms holding me close.  I must've fallen asleep...but damn that dream was good.  Why'd it have to end...?
I notice I'm on top of a warm, sleeping Sans...so I decide to follow his lead and go back to sleep.
"Afternoon, (Name)."


"Afternoon........"  I growled out with hatred for the sunlight which woke me from my slumber.

"How about you wash up before we meet up with the others?  Ya know, so you don't look like a walking zombie."  Sans joked.  Chuckling in reply, I said nothing and just nodded, walking to the nearby bathroom to brush my (hair colour) hair and add a (head item of any choice and colour) to my hair.  Once I walked out of the bathroom, Sans chuckled some more.
"Now you don't look like the walking dead!  How do you feel?"

"Like the walking dead."  I replied just as dead-sounding as I was two minutes ago.  He laughed and teleported to me, and then teleported us to the beach where a bonfire was being setup.
The ocean glistened with red and orange and similar bonfires to ours were being setup by other campers who're staying at the camp with us.  Complete strangers--but that's a-okay with us.  The sunset seemed to glow more than usual as it slowly descended behind the ocean's waves.

"(NAME) I HAVE A THEORY!"  Papyrus called over to us.  I sat down on a picnic rug which was left for Sans and I.

"What is it, Papy?"  I questioned with a tilt of my head.  His pin-pricked eyes seemed to glow with delight and excitment.


"Close enough."  I giggled.  His grin widened and a wind picked up his scarf as he posed 'heroically' and gave three good, "NYEH!"s.  "Yo, Flowey."  I greeted the small flower on a patch of grass next to us and the fire.

"Howdy.."  He sighed, placing his flower head on Frisk's lap, to which she gently giggled and pet him.  I smiled at the sight and relaxed into the calming atmosphere.  I gently leaned my head on Sans' shoulder and sighed contentedly.  Sans rested his head on top of mine and I'm pretty sure we looked like a sappy, couple.

Frisk, who has apparently been learning guitar without telling me, (I'm heartbroken by this action!) had played a beautiful cover of 'Sound of Silence' and 'It's Raining Somewhere Else'.  I would've fallen asleep on Sans if the cold waves didn't reach my ankles every ten minutes.  It was roughly ten pm when a majority of the people on the beach had walked back to their cabins, but we stayed out a biiiit longer than we should've.

There was chocolate and singing and laughing and dancing all through the night.  The sand was soft and squishy and perfect to trip on.  And no, I'm not joking about that last part--I tripped a couple dozen times...which is fine, because Sans caught my drunk arse half of those times.
Oh yeah!  Did I forget to mention the drinking of wine and alcohol?


But seriously, the night was wild and fun.  Papy fell asleep and Sans and I had to carry him back to his bed.  Frisk and Flowey fell asleep in a hugging position and Sans and I spent the rest of the night binge-watching some favourtes until we fell asleep.  It was a competition to see who fell asleep first.  The loser buys the winner one lunch meal, if even they demand it two months after the dare.  Guess who lost?

Yup, you probably guessed right.


Surprisingly enough, I won the dare!  And if you were even curious to know, Sans purrs when he's in a deep sleep and you pet his head.  He doesn't purr at any other time and it's adorable to experience.  His head is smooth and his purr is like a deep trill of a rumble and yet it doesn't mess up his breathing pattern, nor does it wake him from his sleep like a snore.

I quietly sighed in content as I pat purring Sans' head and watched the last half of (any movie of choice).  Then...as the ending song played...my eyes shut before I could stop them and I was asleep in an instant.

(Sorry it's only 749 words long, roughly!  Shortest damn chapter ever, but I feel like I shouldn't continue the chapter here!  I feel like it would be better to start on a new chapter!  Please don't be mad!)

✘ 'Two Connected Souls'  Undertale Sans x Reader Soulmate AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang