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Sorry for the lack of chapters lately, i've been going through a lot these passed few months, mostly crying and haven't been motivated to write lately. I've just been mentally unstable and sad most of the time and can't find myself looking on the bright side, searching for false hope. I'm about to face the big exams soon and graduate in 3 months time, then the real world begins.

 I can't even comprehend how terrified I am. I'm so overly shy, I can't even talk to people properly in real life and to think i'm going to go to university and possibly get a job is beyond me. I can't socialise for the life of me! I can't even look at people's faces and talk cause I get the feeling i'm being a bother.

Just recently, i've been getting inspired to write but only for a bit. I love how you all enjoy my stories and I truly apologise for not updating for so long. I'll try to get more chapters in when I feel like it.

Again, i'm sorry for keeping you all waiting :(

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