[ Chapter 13: Reminiscence ]

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The Phantom Thieves found themselves relieved that they were making progress within Akira's Palace

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The Phantom Thieves found themselves relieved that they were making progress within Akira's Palace. They huddled beside the shadow that they had defeated only mere minutes ago, sweat dripping down their foreheads out or pure exhaustion, needing the time to rest and take a breather. As the shadow faded, Haru eyed an item that dropped from the shadow, a bronze key with a pawn chess piece at the top, decorating the key with exaggerated detail. Haru raised an eyebrow, confusion could clearly be read upon her smooth face.

"What did the shadow drop?" Ryuji questioned, making his way beside Haru who rotated in advance of her name being called out. "It's a key of some kind. Maybe it's for the locked doors that we passed through within the mansion." She stated and Ryuji nodded in understanding.

Yusuke crossed his arms in a thinking matter, his hair falling beside his pale face, showing himself with an expressively, "If I remember correctly, wasn't there 3 oddly designed doors that were locked?."

A swift realisation sparked within the Phantom Thieves's mind, that Akira's mansion palace had the locked doors in different sections of the residence. One in the basement level, the far right of the middle floor and at the very top where there seemed to be a wide platform although they were widely miles apart since the mansion they were in was no ordinary mansion.

"Keep that key and make sure you don't lose it, Haru." Makoto eyed the bronze chess key, "It's most likely that this will lead us to the treasure". Treasure, every palace holds a treasure from within, but Makoto and the rest of the Phantom Thieves wondered endlessly. They wondered what type of treasure Akira had manifested deep inside the palace. What made Akira's desires spark to life and haunt him on a daily? They wondered for a long time and it made them slightly anxious about what the treasure could possibly take the form of, knowing full well that it had come so far as to make Akira's health decrease as time passed by.

"Let's not ponder too much here, let's get a move on." Yusuke said, breaking the Phantom Thieves out of their thoughts.

Out of the fairly large room that the first battle took place, the Phantom Thieves entered down the long hallways once again. The red carpet that trailed the floors extended every inch and corner of the path, leading to every locked or unlocked door within the Mansion. Lanterns sparked to life every time the Phantom Thieves made a presence within the room or hallway. Rain drizzled down the cloudy window, giving more suspense to the atmosphere, each drop giving background sound as they explored further and further. After exploring the hallway that contained the shadow room they defeated, the group came to a holt, eyeing a bronze door with detailed designs that gave the door a fancy outline.

Carvings were seeped into the door, displaying Young Akira knelt down beside another figure, his father. It seemed to be the familiar memory that the Phantom thieves witnessed previously, young Akira's small hands clenched by his father's side, blood seeping out of his wound. Akira's hand covered in crimson red, eyes filled with fear and anger. As he was stationed beside his injured father, his head looked up, eyeing another figure in the distance. Strangely, the carving of door began to fade for the new figure that Young Akira eyed. This was his mother who had a liquor bottle clenched within her left hand.

Ann's eyes fell and her frown became present once again. Her heart ached knowing that she was able to experience the history of Akira's life, every spec and inch of detail. Nothing would be left behind. Her eyes trailed to a small key whole that was placed beside Akira's figure by the far right while Haru shuffled through her pockets, the bronze key now in view, her chess piece matching the bronze colour of the door in front of them.

"This is key that matches this door." Haru began, directing her hands to the keyhole, hoping that her guess was correct, "I hope this fits..." The group heard the faint clicking noise of the key in the door and as Haru rotated her right hand clockwise, the door released a loud metal thud, slightly opening up, giving the Phantom Thieves a faint bit of hope and determination. Their energy was still running and could possibly last a few battles before finally feeling the exhaustion overlapping them and the fatigue emerging around them.

"To think this is only a small section of Akira's palace..." Ryuji mumbled under his breath, clearly feeling nervous and unmotivated to complete the palace. Progress was happening, just very slowly. Nevertheless, Ryuji and the Phantom Thieves must carry on, for Akira's sake.


Back in the real world, Akira could feel an uneasy feeling set inside him. Although it wasn't rare for him to feel this way, something about this one, made him only the more concerned. Even if he couldn't express his anxiety through his emotions, his mind knew what he was going through and was the leading role in surviving his life. As he arrived back at his room, lying upon his bed, lost in thought, he didn't know why all of a sudden he recalled memories of his father and the times he spent with him during most of his young age.

Since his mother wasn't in the picture, always deciding her fate with other men. Akira remembered every detail, his father's pure face, the kind eyes that resembled his, his tall figure and the smooth black hair. How he would always wake up early in the morning, make breakfast, sometimes some coffee if he was running low on sleep and spent hours picking on a suit to wear for work. Akira's younger self would enter his father's room as he stood in a daze, gazing at 3 options in suits, some trailing from slightly grey silky smooth to vibrant navy blue.

"Still at a loss for what to wear Papa?" Akira would always question. His father would turn his attention to his recently awoken son, his hair messy and sticking out into different directions as if gravity was upon him and his teddy bear hugged around his small framed body.

"Why of course son, I want to look my best today!" He laughed before an idea sparked into his mind as he kneeled down to the same level as his young son, "To make this easier for me, how about you pick a suit for me, Akira?" He smiled. Akira looked at his father with joy, even though there was no reason to smile, Akira would always be happy when the link between his father and himself became closer, his face displaying happiness and it never left his face.

Akira's small framed boy was hugged by his father's arms before being lifted up from the ground, his figure embracing beside his father's chest. He eyed towards the bed of the 3 suits and thought deeply.

"I think you should pick the blue suit Papa!" He began and his father chucked.

"Ohh! And why did you pick that one?"

Akira locked eyes with his Father's and grinned, "Because blue represents trust, loyalty, kindness and bravery, just like you Papa. Plus, it matches you very well!". Akira's father gave a shocked face but not one of disbelief or disliking, it was the opposite quite frankly. He huddled Akira closer to him, nuzzling his face with his nose and kissing him repeatedly, "I never thought of it like that." He said, "Since when did you become so smart and know these big words, Akira?" He teased which gave Akira all the more reason to burst out laughing.

Ever since then, when his father had to go to work, every Friday he would wear that blue suit.

(DISCONTINUED) Persona 5 AU - Mansionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें