[ Chapter 17: To Break A Shadow ]

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If there was ever any glimpse of hope then that was all merely a lie that was carried out for so long

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If there was ever any glimpse of hope then that was all merely a lie that was carried out for so long. Only the lingering sadness stayed within his heart, haunting his every movement, his every life. All seemed at a loss for the Phantom Thieves who had no knowledge that the real Akira was in any danger of sorts. Well it was obvious since they were busy saving his life back in his palace, not knowing what his shadow self had schemed behind their backs. Those golden eyes were feared by many as it was a time where society was changing within a blink of an eye. Akira shifted in his stance, taking a step back as to show his fear of his other self. His shadow self. A being created solely from unjustified desires of a single individual, ready to create havoc within the world of shadows—places of distorted desires. He could feel his throat grow cold as no words were able to be produced within the time his figure could could move at all.

"What—.... what do you want with me?" Akira stuttered feeling his shoulders tense up instantly, "Why are you doing all of this?"
"Why do you ask when you already know the answers? You have witnessed the injustice that strays from the society you walk in. How adults are able to get away with anything and the public only seems to agree. Isn't it like that with Mother and Father?" At the mention of his parents, Akira could feel his heart ache like someone was trying to pry his heart open.

He knew where this conversation was going and his shadow self seemed satisfied at the changed expression of his counterpart, "You know what I am talking about, don't you?. Father was always tying his best to work and take care of you at home, attempting his hardest to feed you and make sure you had a proper education and friends. He was rarely home but you didn't mind did you? He was gone but what you were left with was someone you feared more in your entire life. Then when the time came, you were labelled a criminal, sent away to be treated by everyone around you as a monster."

He paused then looked straight at his counterpart with a serious look, "Don't you want revenge? To give ruin to those who wronged you? I am you and you are me. We see each other eye to eye. That means, I can aid you if you desire to do so. What do you say?".

Akira could feel the edges of his eyelids sting, making him wince his eyes tightly. His mind couldn't progress any of this. His shadow self spoke only of the truth, how the society he lived in was unjust and corrupted. How everyone saw him as only a living menace. Teachers, students and even his guardian Sojiro treated him wrongly. Even if that were all true, Akira knew that if he agreed to his shadow self, there would be no reason at all as to ask help from his teammates. What would be the point to just up and leave it? Akira was at a loss for both his words and his thoughts. He couldn't progress what to do. He was a lost soul.

"I'm.. I don't know. I'm not sure..." he replied. His shadow self simply closing his eyes and nodding, seemingly forming an idea in his head.
"Very well. Then come with me and l shall show you more of my point I am tying to come across. I am telling you this again, you'll regret crossing against me."

His shadow self gave off a hint of hostility to his counterpart, showcasing how serious he really was. The silence was the only thing left between the two of them and as Akira had no time to ponder his own thoughts and choice, he was forcefully dragged to whatever his shadow self wanted so dearly to show him. It all went too fast like the speed of light, blinding Akira's eyes for a mere second. He could feel the same cold breeze wash against his pale face, seemingly sensing the environment around grow chilly by the minute.

The plain room that he was originally in was no where to be seen, only the dark hue of blue could be the only thing his eyes could depict. Akira frowned, exploring his surroundings as to get a hint of where he was currently. The floorboards screamed in agony every time Akira took a step around the room he was present in. There was barely any light source but small lit candles placed around the room randomly, looking like they have just been lit up. Paint-looking splatters incased the walls along with some roughly written words and phrases all across it. Rattling of chains complimented the eery atmosphere with cell bars blocking the only window of the room.

"Where are we?..."

"A place where extreme negative emotions or psychological trauma can also cause a world to form. It is a manifestation of "distortion", strong negative and corrupt thoughts that warp the perceptions of people into a hazard for themselves and others, sound familiar?" Shadow Akira replied as he continued to make his way to the far right of the overly large room.

"A palace? Don't tell me... this is my palace?!"

His shadow self could feel himself laugh harder than he has ever before. He turned around from looking at the wall to his reality counterpart and cheekily smiled, "Surprised? This is your distortion and by that look on your face, you don't seem to like it very much, am I correct?" he escaped another chuckle, "Don't concern yourself too much, this palace was not created by your negative emotions alone. Your palace is consistently shifting and growing the more your society sees you as a threat. Those adults that wronged you, those who labelled you and treated you as an outcast. It all stemmed to that one night where everything changed, do you think Father would treat you the same now? Would he see eye to eye with you? What do you think his reaction will be like when he wakes up from that coma and finds out his son has a criminal record?" Shadow Akira rotated his figure to the wall he was originally facing beforehand. There were sentences written all across the wall, some overlapping in a continuously hue of red and black.

Overtime, there were words that were repetitive and written in bold as if written in aggressive force. 'Monster' and 'Ruin'

"This is the doing of the corrupt society you so call live in. It is their fault that you're suffering, for making your thoughts distorted, for making you lose your true goal as leader of the righteous Phantom Thieves but that can all change." Akira could hear his shadow's rage show within his tone of voice as if he was in distress. They locked eyes once again, "I am you and you are me. I hold the power to seek revenge of whoever wronged you. You can finally put that suffering to an end if you join me."

Akira fell silent, letting everything sink in. Would it be wrong to join his shadow self and seek revenge for those who wronged him? but if he did that, what would be the point of the Phantom Thieves existence if he accepted? All those change of hearts they did would be for nothing. He looked at his shadow self once again and watched as his left hand was reaching for a handshake in agreement.

"So, what will it be?"

(DISCONTINUED) Persona 5 AU - MansionWhere stories live. Discover now