Chapter 25

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I'm sorry to say this but the chapter is starting the end of No Quick Fix. I don't plan to cut it off really soon but I'm thinking it won't get that far past 30 chapters and this is chapter 25. BUT DON'T (YOU DARE) PANIC or get upset I'm writing the Jack and Hannah spin off ASAP so you don't have to say goodbye to No Quick Fix, completely!

To the writing stones!

Tanya's POV

Zack had just left and it hit me. Hit me like a wrecking ball. In just a few short hours I'd be his wife. Cold feet might be an understatement at this point. My feet were practically frozen in a glacier. Damn Rian's coffee addiction! Its not that I don't love Zack its just these were the last few hours of free woman hood and it reminded me how little time these hours would be. I knew Alex would of been a better bet to stop Zack but him and Sie had been up since five writing music. Jack wouldn't of had much power. Hannah however god that girl could of stopped a bullet and sent it running home with a glare!

Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

"Hey why did I see Zack's car drive off as I pulled up? Did you have a pre-wedding fuck?" She smiled pulling back her hair into kiddy bunches.

"Watch your mouth infront of Riley!" I laughed.

"Oh My God! Did he kidnap Tyler!" her mock horror is really just poor.

"He's his dad its not kidnapping."

"Still you split them up!"

"Urgh!" I threw the pillow at her skillfully keeping Riley stable. "What did you want Fletcher?"

"Eesh Brooks! been ages since we used last names hasn't it." She smiled sitting on the bed Riley crawled over to her. "We've kept our little promise about our wedding days."

"Wait you mean the one You me and Alex made on valentines day one year?"

"Yep. Get dressed we're going to play Lazer Tag!"

"Wait Alex was recording with Sie!"

"Alex rambled some long speech about how this promise was the last he'd keep with you Brooks until you became a Merrick."

"Was he wasted or something?"

"I don't think he was, he's functioning just fine right now. Get your butt out of this bwd and into some jeans we leave in ten!"

"What about Riles?"

"Mama E and Mr T are taking care of her."

My mum had married Craig Truman two months ago and she's so happy now. Craig was too since his former wife had controlling custody over their son Dylan I made sure Eddy called Craig Dad so he could forget his real father. I know I can't forget him but its worth Eddy forgetting.

Lazer Tag was epic! Alex decided we should of got all the gang to come play so it was team bride and team groom. Jack managed to keep all his lives yet he did shoot Alex in the back twice. Alex got revenge though by pinching his phone and sending a spam tweet whilst we waited for the next game

#The Tweet#

JackAllTimeLow:@AlexAllTimeLow is a better lazer tag player than me cause I'm Ninja Dorking and Failing miserably #skillsthatkills

TanzillaBrrks:@JackAllTimeLow @AlexAllTimeLow Don't forget team Bride won! #WeirdWeddingDay

ZackAllTimeLow: @TanzillaBrrks too right! #WeirdWeddingDay you'll have to change your username soon ;P

TanzillaBrrks: @ZackAllTimeLow Nevarrrr! RT "@TanzillaBrrks too right! #WeirdWeddingDay you'll have to change your username soon ;P" I'll do it mid vows.

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