Chapter 21

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BTW!!! this chapter starts at the end of the last, the time jump doesn't come in straight away. sorry xxx

Jack's POV

Carla had given Hannah my number a week ago and to say I didn't like this girl would be a big fat fuck of a lie. I was hooked on her, we'd added eachother on facebook and skype but until I got somewhere with good internet it was pointless. Hannah was a really sweet girl, with my sort of crazy lying underneath, also man could she turn me on with her dirty talk. My phone never left my person, I was constantly clinging on waiting for the next text off her or her next phone call, whether she was being sweet, sexy or crazy I wanted it all. Damn talk about falling for a girl.

"Jacky, when are you coming back?" she asked her voice simply serenaded me.

"Very soon Hannah banana."

"Good cause I really want to see you." she was changing from nice to naughty with her voice.

"Mmm how do you want to see me?"

"Hot and sweaty panting my name as you lie under me, skin to skin, lips to lips, chains to wrists. Or maybe snuggled up beside me watching home alone butt naked."

God I felt so turned on.

"I know how much you want it." she purred. "I can sense that bulge in those oh so...tight...jeans" she snapped the word 'tight' and god dammit I was as hard as a rock that girl is such a tease.

"I'm guessing you're lonely." I smiled resisting the urge to slip out of my jeans.

"Maybe I am maybe I'm not."

I let a chuckle out. "Mmm I bet you are"

"Nope I have Loki to keep me company" a dog barked

"Lucky dog."

"And you're not?"


"Jacky please hurry back I want you to be snuggled up with me just you me and my tempremental central heating."

"Girl you just got me hard now you're trying to fluff me soft?"

"I like to play. Just like Kevin does with Harry and Marv."

"Mmph! A girl loving Home Alone so much is making me want to skip these next two dates to get home."

"I'm more an avengers fan you'd know why if you saw my room."

"Damn girl! you're such a turn on!"

"Well you can thank my long ago ex-girlfriend tori for that."

"Seriously girl you're going to make me jizz my pants if you're not careful."

"Maybe if she's still around you, her and I could get together in your bedroom." Its official I jizzed myself damn sexless tour! "You jizzed didn't you?"

"You're making it fucking hard not to."

"well sorry Jacky but mama's gotta go to work."


"Wanker" she laughed hanging up.

*End of tour*

Hannah had agreed to come pick me Zack and Tanya up from the carpark outside of Baltimore since there house was on the way to mine or Hannah's.

Hannah looked stunning, her ginger hair flowed to her boobs a slight wave to the hair made it look as though it was cupping her decently large boobs. Her green eyes had locked on mine as I walked over and she pulled me into a kiss, nothing too fancy just a bit of lip grazing. She looked over my shoulder and her mouth went from completely shut to a black hole.

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