Chapter 6

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Another Zack ill chapter this is 

When I managed to get Zack back to his bed he made me lie next to him. He put his head on my chest and his arms around my waist. Admittedly it wasn't exactly comfortable what with the fact he was red hot, but as long as he was I was happy. We started talking about random little things such as our favorite candy when Zack had fallen asleep. It was only just half six when his mum came up.

"Mark said you were doing a great job of caring for Zack."

"Thankyou, erm I'm Tanya by the way."

"I know Zack kept going on about you on the phone to one of the boys." She smiled.

"Well I hope that Alex and Zack haven't coloured your impression of me wrongly."

"No, from what I got of it you seem to be a very nice girl"

"Good I um...  I know its a bit off topic and If I'm not being rude when are you due?"

"Oh end of october."

"I'm just taking a guess but is it a girl?"

"Well you're either a great guesser or Zack told you."

"I'm a great guesser. Zack hasn't told me all that much about his home life."

Zack moved slightly and murmured something like I love you.

"You know he's lucky to have you Tanya." she said. "You can tell how much he likes you. The other night he was singing little love songs in the shower I only heard cause he woke this little girl, and this morning when I saw him he was smiling so much. I know its only early days but, you seem so happy together."

"Thankyou Mrs Merrick"

"Please call me Carla. Oh dinner will be done in fifteen minutes and I think your trustworthy enough so if you want you can stay overnight."

"I'd have to check with my mum she might be volunteering at the care home tonight."

"Well here I'll call her and explain it all I'm sure I can convince her."

She held out a pad and pen.

"Sorry Carla Zack's on my writing arm. I'm left handed."

"Its okay. Just say the number aloud and I'll get it written down."

I said my number and told Carla my mum was called Emily.

Carla went out the room for about five minutes.

"You're okay to stay. I told her you were really worried about Zack and You didn't want to leave him while he was ill. I told her you were staying in the "guest bedroom" so she wouldn't freak out. You just have to get an overnight bag after dinner and then you're fine." she smiled."oh you might want to wake Zack up for dinner when I go out."

She got up and left.

I kissed Zack on the top of the head.

"Zack its time to get up." I said softly I rubbed his back gently. He groaned and burried his head in my chest.

"Zack come on its time you woke up" I managed to prise his arms open and wriggle out. He started grabbing at the empty air where I was. It gave him a shock and he woke up. He sat up and gave me a hug I went one better and kissed him. I didn't care how awful it tasted, it was just a nice thing for him since he was ill. His arms tightened around me again.

"Zack, I'm staying overnight I just have to go home to pack a bag after dinner."

"How come?"

"Your mum. She called mine and explained what was happening in a way a mum would approve."

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