Chapter 20 - Boy Or Girl?

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Tanya's POV

Rian had told me in the cab journey that flyzik had scheduled an ultra sound for me it was whilst Alex and Jack were doing interviews so Zack was fine to come.

I rolled out of bed and walked down to the kitchen area. Meerkat was giving me some weird cravings since I entered my second trimester today's cornflakes melted cheese and ketchup! The microwave pinged and I went to get the bowl out the microwave only to be beaten by Zack.

"Cornflakes and cheese?" He asked rubbing his hand over his half asleep face.

"Cornflakes cheese and ketchup. Meerkat is clearly taking after you." I said taking a bite of it.

"Is it actually nice?"

"Yeah try some."


I did the whole food plane thing you do with children and Zack just chuckled.

"I can tell you're gonna be a great mom." Zack pulled me onto his lap.

"You're going to be a better dad though."

"Really? I lost sally in best buy."

"But you learnt from your mistake you'll be a great daddy I can bet a gazillion, no a flopityjillion dollars that you will be the best daddy and husband me and meerkat could ever hope for."

"I hope you win"

"Me too but for now we have to go let a doctor check over meerkat."

"Are we going to find out meerkat's gender today?"

"Well Alex and Rian had suggested we don't find out but we get the answer written down in an envelope and we give it to them then they had some big reveal suprise"

"Did Jack get involved in this?"

"You're kidding aren't you?" he shook his head "Jack was so determined with this idea that he tried to bribe flyzik with sexual rewards so he could come to the hospital and make sure we didn't find out"


Zack nuzzled his face into my neck and I felt the all too familiar pressure in the back of my thigh.

"Zack, I know you want to but we can't. It hurts when I pee it will hurt a lot worse if we did it."

He sighed against my neck.

"I promise you that after meerkat's born I will make as much sweet lovin to you as I physically can." I smiled kissing his forehead.


"Well we should get going to the hospital. Or we'll miss the appointment."

"We might want to get dressed first." Zack smiled carrying me to the back lounge.

Zack's POV

Having got dressed I wrote the others a note saying we'd gone and handed Tanya one of my hoodies. Can't have my baby mama getting cold can we?

It was a short cab journey to the hospital and we were at the doctor's office within twenty minutes.

"Tanya and Zack?" The fifty year-old doctor asked

"Yes." Tanya answered

"This is your second ultra sound yes?" she pointed to the clipboard in her hand. I guess she had just printed out her notes.


"Usually you would be having your third one at this point why are you only onto your second?"

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