Chapter 22

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Well just come knock on my door :D sorry I live at number 22 so I kinda always make this joke when I hear someone say 22 or type 22. Usually to myself but I thought I'd share :D

(In a valiant voice) TO THE STORY!

Tanya's POV

Jack had been round earlier today with Hannah just before their tenth date! Yep they had been out for a month now and tonight the week before halloween Jack had planned to take her to Farmer Jake's Hay Barn. It was a big barn just outside of towson which usually got turned into a horror movie theatre during october, no suprise Jack was thrilled to take Hannah. It was a tradition he had since he turned thirteen and his older sister took him.

We watched the happy pair leave before I turned to Zack "I can't believe Hannah still lives in Maryland!"

"I can't believe Jack has found someone so suited to him. The fact you and Alex both know her is another thing. There's no awkward transition into the group."

"Tr-ow!" I gasped.

"Trow?" Zack laughed.

"Not funny! OW!" Zack's eyes went from closed to wide open staring at me.

"Tanya are you okay?"

The pain had gone.

"I'm fine I think I had a stitch."

"Okay." he picked me up and carried me to the front room he was just about to put me down when I either wet myself or my water broke... It was the second one I had literally peed about two minutes before Jack and Hannah left.

"Tanya please say you peed yourself."

"Its time honey."

Zack, too scared to drive got us a cab and texted everyone to meet us at the hospital. I groaned as my first contraction started. Zack twisted me to face him. I held onto both his hands as he pressed his forehead to mine.

"Come on mama you can do it, its just for a little bit then it will all be over."

It eventually stopped and Zack kissed me on the lips. He used the voice recognition on his phone to tweet, 'About to become a daddy. Thankyou @Tanillabrooks I love you. x'

Another contraction started and this one felt longer.

"Tantan I'm so sorry, you're okay its going to stop soon I promise." he kept kissing my forehead this time.

It had passed and Zack picked me up to carry me out of the cab there was ten minutes between these contractions, its gonna be a long night.

Zack refused a wheelchair for me whilst we got lead to a private room. Zack had just set me down when I noticed everyone else had surrounded us; My mum & Craig, Zack's Mum & Dad, Sally, Eddy, Alex, Sierra, Rian, Cassadee, Jack, and Hannah.

"Hey" I smiled at them.

"Hey" they chorused back. Sally shrieked before giggling.

I laughed along with her as she ran up to the bed near Zack. Zack lifted her up onto the bed and she hugged my stomach. I looked at Eddy who smiled and climbed up on my other side he kissed my cheek and smiled at Zack.

Everyone had dispersed around the room Zack staying put at the edge of my bed, another contraction started and my mum grabbed my free hand.

"Deep breaths Tan, deep breaths." She kissed my hand.

I nodded as the pain went, I opened my eyes and thanked my mum and Zack. I was getting hungry the contractions were just spurring it on so I finally asked for the weirdest thing ever.

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