Chapter 19

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Zack's POV

"I swear you've got your dad's legs" I heard a familiar voice from behind the door.

I slid it open slowly and there as sure as my ears were right was Tanya. My Tanya. She looked up at me with her beautiful smile.

"Well if it isn't your daddy little meerkat." she cooed before wincing slightly.

"Tanya, are you okay?"

"Yeah here give me your hands."

I held up my hands and she pulled back the large hoodie she had on to reveal her swollen and slightly bruised stomach she placed my hands on her stomach.

"You're going to have to say something to little meerkat." she smiled.

"Err hello little one. I'm your daddy and I love you so very mu- WOAH!" there was a thud under my left palm.

"I thought you'd react like that." she laughed. "Meerkat knows who you are. they know your their daddy."


"I always put your calls on speaker phone and hold the phone beside the bump. And I play interviews to meerkat."

"So is meerkat causing the bruising?" I gestured to her bump.

"Yeah but its expected during the early stages of kicking with first time mums. but this little one could be the next kicker for the ravens." she laughed.

I stayed with my hands on Tanya's stomach feeling each little kick the baby made staring into my beautiful fianceé and future mother of my child's eyes. Hers were filled with happiness and love, I hopefully mirrored hers and added adoration for her she was performing a nine month miracle that I'm sure will change my life so much. I love her for this. I love her for being here. I love her for being mine.

I quickly tweeted that I'd felt my baby kick for the first time before speaking.

"So who else has felt the baby kick?"

"besides you?" I nodded at her question "myself."

"Well we have to let the others!" I grinned picking her up.

"Of course daddy."

"I love you mommy."

"I love you too."

I gave her a quick kiss before walking back with her into the front lounge. Rian and Flyzik squished up on the couch so I could set down Tanya.

"Does anyone want to meet the raven's next kicker?" Tanya laughed.

Jack and Alex's hands instantly shot up.

"You've got two volunteers." I smirked.

"Do rock paper scissors to decide who goes first I don't do well with being crowded around."

Jack won with a paper and came to kneel infront of Tanya.

"What do I do?" he asked.

"Well put your hands here and talk to little meerkat." She gestured to the middle of her bump.

"Okay." Jack put his hands to the bump "Well little meerkat, you have two of the best people in the world to be your parents even if your dad likes to snuggle me when he's lonely. But I'm your incredibly awesome uncle Jack ans when your my age I'll be your wingman and we'll pick up all the babes in baltimo-Hey! fine we'll go shopping for all the clothes in the world and you can laugh at my taste in fashi-Okay! I don't know what we'll do then! I love you though" he laughed at the end and took his hands off the bump.

Alex went next "Well little one I have been best friends with your mom since I could go to the toilet all by myself, and believe me I still miss the bowl. I'm your uncle Alex and I'm going to teach you all mine and your mom's pranks whadda ya say?... I'll take that as a yes and with a kick like that if you don't play for the ravens you should become a cancan girl! hey-hey you could always be a musician like your daddy anyway I love you." Alex stood up and joined Jack discussing the sensation of the baby kicking.

Rian went up next."Well out of your three non-blood uncles I'm probably your most sane one. I'm your uncle Rian and I will always help you on your homework if your mommy or daddy can't especially if you ask your daddy about american history, he thought up until sophmore year mount rushmore was a natural occurance and that the president was decided by whoever looked the most like one of them, okay okay I won't mock your daddy. But he did know something he knew how to pick out a babe like your mommy, yeah she's totally outta his league. But when he can't give you advice on love come to your uncle Rian. I love you"

Sierra went next. "well little one I haven't known your mommy and daddy as long as alex has but your mommy knows how too pick good guys I mean she picked Zack and she picked alex for me so you better let her judge your boyfriends... okay or girlfriends and if you ever think of going to a concert let me know and I'll tag along as long as its not some mainstream boyband... alright we can see them too but don't think I'm going to enjoy it all too much. oh hell who am I kidding! you'll be bopping along beside me and we'll be the crazy fans your dad and uncles love! I love you little one!"

Cassadee's hands replaced Sierra's. "Well if you ever need a vocal coach you have the right people around you both your parents have great voices... well except when they're in the shower or drunk. But you've got all the basic instruments around you your dad plays bass, your mom used to play saxophone, Rian's a drummer Jack and Alex play guitar Sierra can play piano like mozart and nearly all of us can sing but I won't tell you who. Okay I'll take that as a beg its Rian and Jack but ssssh we'll keep it between us I love you."

Matt had his turn and joked about how he hopes meerkat can manage their time better than me and their uncles also how he'll buy mickey mouse items as presents until meerkat's room is a shrine to mickey. Vinny joked about how they'd drink till their livers turned toxic and how he'd help meerkat deal with a hangover. Evan and Jeff told meerkat they'll give them an education in lighting and stage managment. Finally it was my mum's Turn.

"Well little one I'm your daddy's Mom. I'm going to be one of the coolest grannies on the planet. Your daddy used to get upto mischief when he was a baby and your aunty sally is just the same. I think you and sally will be best friends... glad you agree. Now you have a brilliant mommy she know's how to take care of you when you're sick so you better give her a lot of hugs and kisses and you better do the same for your daddy when he can't put your diaper on or he messes up if he does but I'll teach him and so will your mommy. I'll teach you all the grannie things you should know if your other grannie doesn't but I love you little one and I know you'll put the biggest smiles on your parents faces don't you think?" she took her hands from the bump and went to go in her taxi. I said goodbye to her of course! I went back on the bus to find Tanya drifting off to sleep in her seat all this kicking must of worn her out. I carried her down to the backlounge which was now our bedroom and snuggled up to her.

"I love you Tanya, I love you meerkat." I said kissing her forehead.

"I love you too Zack"

Meerkat spoke through a little kick.


Aww happy families! its 5:20am here and I'm writing WTF!!! I needed to do it though!

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