Chapter 2: Mistaken Identity

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~~~~~~~year 847~~~~~~~

"(y/n), (y/n) wake up..." a monotone female voice brings you out of your comfortable sleep. "You'll miss breakfast." The voice belonged to none other than Mikasa Ackerman, your friend from the boat you made during the titan attack 2 years ago.

"Ugh..." you grumbled and rolled off your bunk landing on your feet with a solid *thunk* while rubbing the sleep from your tired eyes.

"5 minutes," Mikasa said then left the barracks. 5 minutes until breakfast won't be that fast. You yawn and lazily throw on your uniform while brushing your teeth. Then you tuck in your shirt and tighten your belt. After brushing your (h/c) hair and braiding it back into a tight French braid, you head out of the barracks.

Once you were in the mess hall, you see that everyone already had their trays and staked claim to their tables and made groups, not that it affected you, you had friends waiting for you at your own table. You grabbed your tray of food and made your way to sit with Mikasa, Eren, and Armin. On your way there though, someone caught your eye and made you stop dead in your tracks.

"Excuse me..." you say and set your tray down on the end of the table, leaning slightly forward towards the young man. "But have we met before?" You ask, looking at the blonde male intently. This was the first time you had noticed him. He and the brunette in front of him look at each other, confused, then back to you. The blonde girl sitting next to him, however, seemed like she could care less.

"I don't think so?" He replies, unsure. "You're from Shiganshina like Jeager, right?" He asks and motions his fork behind him to where Eren was sitting. You nod in response. "Then I don't see how we could have known each other before now, we're from Marley."

"I guess not..." you respond slowly while studying his face. There was a familiar feeling about him that you just couldn't shake, but what was it? The realization came that you had been staring too long and shook your head in embarrassment. "Sorry! I'm (y/n) (l/n)." You say while extending your hand to him.

"Reiner Braun," he says taking and shaking your hand. "This is Bertholdt Hoover," he says letting go of your hand motioning it toward his friend who gave you a small wave. "and this ray of sunshine is Annie Leonheart." he motions to the girl next to him who doesn't acknowledge you until Reiner nudges her with his elbow, only then does she look up to you, as if she's sizing you up. She then looks back at her food.

"Nice meeting all of you," you say with your sweetest smile. That feeling that there was something off here was still there in your stomach. You had spent your whole life reading people, always picking up on the smallest tells with full confidence. This time, however, something was throwing you off.

"It was nice meeting you too." said the buff blonde with his own kind smile on his face, Bertholdt nodded at you, and Annie not caring of course. You head over to your friends and sat down your tray on the table, swinging your leg over the bench, and sat down next to Eren, across from Mikasa and Armin.

"What was that about?" Eren asks with a mouth full of food, motioning his head towards Reiner's table.

"I just mistook him for someone else," you say, staring at the back of Reiner's head. Your tone telling him that was all he would get out of you.

~~~~~~~~Reiner's POV~~~~~~~~~~

"She's staring at you." Bertholdt points out as he continues to tear apart his bread, putting the small pieces in the gruel we call breakfast.

"I feel it." I really can feel it too, it's like her (e/c) eyes were burning a hole in the back of my head.

"You don't think she really recognized you, do you?" he asked, concerned, leaning forward with his elbows on the table. "That's impossible right?" he asked, this time in a hushed tone.

"It's alright Bertholdt, there's no way that she could know who we were, we grew up in different districts. I wish we hadn't though, did you see how pretty she was?" I continue to spoon what was in my bowl to my mouth while Bertholdt and Annie share glances. "What?" Annie looks back to her food and Bertholdt leans back and continues to eat.

"It's nothing."

~~~~~~Reader's POV~~~~~~

After breakfast, we were all ushered out to the training field where we lined up to be inspected by the drill sergeant, Instructor Shadis. He was a stern-looking man, bald on top, and dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't ever heard of the concept of sleep before.

"Hey, Moptop!" The commander yelled at poor Armin.

"Sir!" he stiffened up and saluted to his commanding officer.

"What do they call you Magot?" He asked and made his way in front of your friend, frankly, you didn't like his tone towards your sheepish friend.

"Armin Arlert, from Shinganshina, sir!"

"Wow, seriously? Why would your parents curse you with such a dumb name?" your fists tightened behind your back at that comment but didn't let it show on your face, not wanting to be the next victim of the drill sergeant's cruel tongue. After humiliating a few other cadets he made his way to the 5th row. You were in this row, standing next to a boy with two-toned hair. The sergeant stopped at him first, Jean Kirstein was his name. He began yelling at him for wanting to be in the Military Police then head-butting the poor guy so hard he fell to his knees. The next was a freckled-faced boy named Marco Bodt, who looked like he couldn't hurt a fly. He got yelled for something about being titan fodder for the King. After that, a guy with a shaved head named Connie Springer, who you saw salute on the wrong side of his chest, big mistake. You thought you were safe since he got distracted by some girl eating a potato during all of this. The girl had guts, that much you had to give to her. After giving her a choice of punishments for her disrespect, he turned on his heel and faced directing at you.

"You!" you flinch at his sudden call-out and salute firmly then answer him.

"(y/n) (l/n), from Shinganshina, sir!" you answered, being sure not to make direct eye contact.

"(l/n)? Are you Michael's daughter, cadet?"

"Yes sir!" he must have known your father back in his Survey Corp days. He had never mentioned Shadis before in his stories he would tell you and your brother.


"And why are you here cadet?" you smirked at the question.

"To join the Survey Corp and destroy every last titan, sir!"

"That's big talk for such a small girl," he says in an intimidating voice and hovers over you, but you weren't buckling.

"What I lack in height, I make up for in tenacity, sir!"

"We'll see about that. About face!" he calls out and your row turns to face the one behind you, putting your arms back at attention. That's when you see that Reiner had been directly behind you. You both make eye contact only long enough to then shift your eyes back to the commander that was now yelling at another poor soul.

~~~~~Reiner's POV~~~~~

That girl from this morning was standing in front of me. 'How could she have possibly thought that she had recognized me? Maybe I just look like someone from her hometown, that must be it.' My thoughts are interrupted when I hear Shadis' voice get louder and the turning of feet in front of me. He was now onto my row and I was face to face with (y/n). I look down slightly, feeling eyes on me, and realize that she is looking right back at me. All too soon do her (e/c) eyes shift to follow our angry drill sergeant down the aisle of cadets. I do the same. 'Maybe I wouldn't mind knowing her.'

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