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11/20/12 -7:56 am

Hello, hello my ladybugs.!

Recently I've gotten some strange attraction to ladybugs, so don't mind if I call you guys that. If you do then deal with it. It's been along time since I've written in this, isn't it.? So I hope you guys love those stories, I know I enjoy writing them.!(:

Did you guys watch Big Time Bloopers last week? I almost peed when I saw Kendall laugh uncontrollably at James' "Why do I have to be so delicious?"

Kendall's just perfect. Have you guys heard his new solo cover, 'Cover Girl'? I absolutely love it, did you also know he was this close to getting married.? |..|

True shizz, he was at an autographing place with James and this random fan gives him something to sign, if it weren't for the security guard Kendall might've been accidentally married. Just to be clear it was some sort of marriage certificate or papers. I'll post up the link so you guys could take a look for yourselves. On a personal level I would've gotten away with it, haha just kidding.

So today's random topic of the day is.... about being yourself online. Now before you groan and say "ughh.. I'm so gonna stop reading this." DON'T stop reading this.

Most parents are on our ass saying that, "you don't know who's behind the other side of the line (monitor), they could be saying they're somebody they're not."

When actually being online is the only way you can be yourself. I know that's my problem. In reality I'm really shy, I sing, behind my parents back, I play guitar behind my parents back. Now before you hate on my parents, they support whatever I do, but when it comes to my music I shut down. I don't take criticism very well, especially coming from my parents.

So when I'm online and post up my music, my stories, my lyrics. I feel great, I feel like there's this SonnyG25 that's the real me. And no I don't live a double life, I'm just a little more free. Oh two videos have been posted on YouTube, but you guys will have to search for them on YouTube, good luck and happy searching.!

P.S. Just because I haven't yet attended a BTR concert doesn't make me any less of a Rusher. #JustSaying

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