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9/23/12 - 8:38 pm

Well yesterday's update was kinda fun. Hope you guys share. So I've been wanting to do a Carlos Pena FanFic, but I really don't have the time for it. I've got three other stories I'm working on. But I've got some great ideas for it, I hope I can begin soon on it so you guys read it. So "Secret Love" has gotten good reviews from you guys. Thank you so much for reading my stories, and taking the time to do so.

After my breakdown I realized Kendall should stay with the "Worldwide" girl not the "Covergirl" girl. Obviously because Jo is the Worldwide girl, it even says it in the name and the song. "Yes I may meet a million pretty girls that know my name, but don't you worry, cause you have my heart." Jo has Kendall's heart, Lucy doesn't!

And don't get me wrong I love Covergirl, but it just doesn't fit Lucy's type. She doesn't seem insecure all the time like the song says, and she doesn't wear baggy clothes.

So yeah, I mean Lucy is pretty, and whatnot, but Jo.! Jo is supposed to be with Kendall, what about their goodbye kiss? He said he'd wait for her, till she came back from New Zealand. That's why he was so depressed in "Big Time Single", besides James and Carlos had called dibs first on Lucy, in "Big Time Rocker". So Kendall isn't being fair, he's being a selfish jerk, he already had a girlfriend. So why can't he let the other guys have a shot at it? Kendall Knight, you are one selfish bastard, but if you pick Jo I'll love you more than you'll ever know. Besides you make a better couple with Jo, please pick Jo.!?

Okay is it just me, but did anyone else notice that Kendall retweeted an #IHateKucy? And Katelyn tweeted #JendallsBack So ha! In you face, Kendall Schmidt wants Kendall Knight to get back with Jo, not Lucy! Bahaha.!

Anyways thanks for dealing with my awkwardness, I like to share my stupidity with you guys other than anyone else.!;D

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