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1/21/13 - 10:54 pm

Hey guys so there might be no updates this week! I have a lot of homework this week, and I have night school. So yeah I'm going to be tired and I'm not going to put my concentration into the chapters. Keep in mind I said might.

Anyways, there's this totally different story I want to do, but obviously that'll be after I'm done with one of the books. Not a FanFic, but I definitely want you guys to read it. I have in mind the plot and the setting the characters and I have a short summary about it down below. So if you guys'll read it and give me your thoughts. It'd be much appreciated.! Thanks.

50 State Love (Summary)

(Note: This is NOT a FanFic of any kind, just teen fiction.)


Emma Roberts & Mathew Atkinson

Sydney Jones and Dylan Lawrence go way back then, both being friends, Sydney knows Dylan's main weakness; his ex girlfriend, Haley Scott. Infatuated with her, and can never be apart due to his daughter with her, Kelly who is seven.

Sydney and Dylan in desperate need for a new woman for him set out to find "the one" in all 50 states. Could Dylan find his soulmate in one of the 50 states or could she be right before his eyes and not realize it?

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