
33 3 0

10/5/12 - 2:45 pm

Hello.! So whatcha doin? <3

Kay, thanks for being sooo patient. I honestly apologize for taking so long and keep you guys waiting that long. So hows your day, or week I'd love to know, I'm so bored right now, it's blehhhh.!

I have soooo much work but I'm too lazy to do it, all I wanna do is go back to bed and huddle under the covers, and shut out the entire world. Ever felt like that too?

So, on BTR, yes I don't giva a damn if I'm seventeen, and I'm obssesing on what my friends (or other people) call a "kids"show, I freaking love them, and NO I'm not embarressed to admit it. They're awesome and just fuck off seriously, it's not your problem is it? No so bitch please.!

If you guys haven't noticed yet, I'm a little off at everything I do, I'm awkward, but that's just me and I enjoy every second of it.

So this ain't about me, so either way, I'm so bored, to on, comment down below, you know you want to.!(;

Sorry for the foul language it's just that I'm sick of people getting to nosy in my life, hey its MY life.!

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