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12/29/11 - 9:07 am

You'd think you have the worst problems in the world right now, don't you?

You feel that there's no way out of it, that there's no solution to what you got yourself into.

My mom always told me this quote, "There's a solution to everything in life, except death."

Is it true? Possibly.

But I believe it, some of us have it so damn easy and we're so blind to realize it. I know that's my case.

My worst problem right now is my homework, I have a crapload of it, and I feel overwhelmed. But now that I over think that is it really big of a deal?

You start to talk to people, read stuff and it just hits like a bucket of cold ice water thrown over you. You have it easy. One of our family friends is suffering from a heart disease, and I love her to death. I consider her like my aunt, it would kill me if something bad happened to her.

And it gets you thinking, 'how lucky am I, how selfish and thoughtless could I possible get?'

Nobody has tomorrow guaranteed, so why stress about it? Why waste our energy on it? Is worrying, crying, pulling your hair out going to solve anything?

Was crying in the night, unable to sleep worth it at all?

All we are doing is creating more damage to ourselves. We should only focus one day at a time, in the mean time let the puzzle pieces fall into their place by their own. Don't force things into happening. If they were meant to happen they would've happened, don't you think?

Do you guys believe people can change? I honestly don't, I used to believe people can change but that's not true. I learned the hard way.

I believe we are molded into something differently, we are who we are, we can't change that. We can change our minds, but not who we are.

Take for example a piece of clay, we squish it, we play with it, we mold it, but at the end of the day it's still clay. Just like me.

That's just the way I see it. No two people are the same, and we can't always agree on it, and we can't force others to believe what we do. That's just who we are. We're fortunate to be able and pick what we want, do as we please without someone interfering.

So can we all just take a moment reflect from the past, forget the bad memories and keep the good ones? Don't look back regretting something because if you hadn't made that bad choice it wouldn't have made you who you are today.

Don't take anything for granted, appreciate it, and let others appreciate you.


"There's a solution to everything in life, except death."


This emotional update was inspired by @HenderwhoresTeapot.

I just want to acknowledge the fact that she made me realize how strong one could be, how anyone could endure possibly anything. So thanks, you have no idea how much you've made my day today.

And it was all "Because of You."


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