During the third month, Sienna started getting used to the hardness of the training, and the long lessons. She became physically stronger, and was finally gaining weight, going back to her normal self. She started looking like her old self from three months ago, except for the fact that the running and martial arts had given her muscles. She was excelling in martial arts, and during that third month, she and her group started learning how to use guns. During the lesson where boys and girls were separated, girls were learning the art of seduction and manipulation. As the weeks went by, their chief decided to add two hours of dancing. Tango, waltz and slow, boys and girls together, in the most seductive way possible. Tango was Sienna's favorite, and it took her a little time to be excellent at it. Half the year through, her chief decided to give her personal teachers.
A year went by, and Sienna put so much effort and energy in every single lesson, that by the end of the year, she received a special medal from her chief, and special rewards. And finally the day she had been looking forward to, arrived. It was a ‪Sunday afternoon‬, everyone was having a break, and Sienna was sitting on the grass with her friend Simon, chatting, when one of the guys from their group ran to them.

"Sienna, Simon, hurry, the chief is asking for us!"

Sienna and Simon looked at each other, wondering what could possibly be so important on a ‪Sunday afternoon‬, but they quickly got up and followed their comrade to the meeting room. Everyone was there already, sitting and waiting, and along with their chief were five other men standing beside him, hands behind their back. Sienna sat next to Louise, her girl friend, and the room went quiet as the chief started talking.

"You must be surprised that I called you here today, on your day off, but I wouldn't have if it wasn't important. We have had a meeting with your teachers and trainers, and we have come to the conclusion that you're ready. We have missions to give you, all important. Of course, given that you're beginners, they're not as important as the one we would give our professionals, but they have their importance, and we count on you to fulfill them well. We will divide you into groups of two. When I call your name, you stand up and team up. Each group will have a chief to report to. Group one : Louise and George."

Each person was called, and the room emptied little by little. The only ones left were Sienna, Simon and a short man that looked asian, standing very still next to the chief.

"Sienna and Simon, I will leave you with Mr Kong here."

The two men nodded at each other, and the chief left. Sienna and Simon stood up and walked to Mr Kong who looked at them.
"So, I've heard you two are the best of your year. Welcome. The mission you were given comes directly from the Prime Minister. It is a delicate matter that can lead to war if you don't succeed. Do you understand what it means?"

"Yes sir," Simon replied.

"Good. You will go to South Korea, Seoul, to investigate a company that our Prime Minister had a disagreement with. For this mission to succeed, you will have a year to learn the language. It will be eight hours a day of lessons. We expect you to be fluent by the end of the year. Understood?"

The two young spies nodded.

"You will ‪start tomorrow‬ at eight. Running, martial arts, shooting guns, seduction and dancing will be reduced but will still take place. Instead of theoretical lessons you will have Korean lessons. ‪From eight am to twelve‬, then ‪one to four pm‬. Dismissed."

Mr Wong slightly bowed, followed by Sienna and Simon who then quickly left.

"Well, that was insightful!" Simon exclaimed once they were outside. "We have no idea what this mission is about except that it's an investigation of a company that got on our Prime Minister's bad side...," the young man sighed. "We don't even know which company! And what kind... We don't know what to investigate--"

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