So, I have my reasons not to. And only one reason to.

He's hot.

I stepped towards him and closed the distance between us. I snaked my arm around his back, as I felt his arms do the same around me. That familiar, exciting feeling of his body on mine.

I slid my hand into his hair and whispered, "Respect my decision."

Then I let him go.

He smirked, recognizing my moves. I've done this before.

We have a whole 'roommates with benefits' thing going, and I was worried that would complicate everything. I mean, it obviously would. Did I really have to fall into that stereotype of teenagers being unable to control their hormones?

There was a knock on the door.

Thank goodness.  Someone to dispel the sexual attraction. 

Kaya walked into the room. She was wearing a pretty violet dress.

Nate nodded at her, "I haven't found it yet, but I'm looking."

She offered the book in her hand, "I went into mom's study and found this. It sort of connects to my painting."

Nate took it and looked down at the cover. He hesitated before looking up at me, "Kaya drew another painting last night so we're trying to decipher it."

I nodded. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I vaguely understood that Kaya's paintings were... prophetic?

That's why Mrs Maythorne wanted her back so badly.

A valuable power in an innocent soul.

"Hi Georgia," Kaya smiled at me.

"Good luck," I told them both and headed out.


"Pick yourself up."

I tried. My arms wobbled as I tried to push myself off the ground. My chin was grazed after falling hard. The ropes tied around my shoulders started to grate against my skin, leaving burn marks.

"I can't," I was shaking.

"Try," Zane said, standing in front with his own ropes and stones tied to him.

"I am trying!" I snapped. Isn't it obvious? I was sweating and practically shaking from trying so hard.

I looked back at the boulder attached to me. Since strength was meant to be my ability, they had loaded me with a tremendous weight and I just couldn't do it. I had had one burst of strength that took me 50 yards but that was it. I was down for the count. 

Totally depleted.

The bootcamp group were up ahead, pointing at me. I could see the look in their eyes. It was disapproval. They saw me as weak. A fake scepter; more human than scepter. 

At least Zane hadn't given up on me.

That was when Nathaniel appeared, with that easy confidence he always has. He pulled out a knife and in one swift movement he cut the rope connecting me to the boulder.

"Training isn't humiliation."

The group started booing us. They seemed to be taking joy out of my inability. Zane sighed, and left us to it. He continued forward, catching up with the waiting group, pulling the rocks behind him.

"Why did he do that?" I asked Zane, feeling ashamed that I was being branded the weak one.

"Because you're freakishly strong, and we know that. You don't need to prove it to them," he indicated the boot camp, "But you do need to focus on your mental strength. Unlock whatever block you have that is preventing you from accessing your powers at will."

I rubbed my shoulders. My knees were grazed as well from my fall. 

He was right.  I needed to work on this or else I stayed vulnerable.

I was distracted. My childhood crush on Jesper... was that what was blocking me from going after a relationship with Nate?

Or did I believe that Nate was someone I couldn't trust?  He had so many secrets, like we all did.

And would Mrs Maythorne kick me out of the house if she found out?  

Would it all be worth it.

A/N: Daily posting is what it is.  Please vote if you're down for more!  And I'll post the next chapter tomorrow :)

Don't give up on me ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें