Imagine 16

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Listen to Recklessly by Isac Elliot

Omar's POV

I turned around, I couldn't watch. His hands around her waist holding her tight to his body, her arms wrapped around his neck and the smile on her face. I want to be the one that's making her smile, the one that gets to hold her at night, kiss her lips in the mornings, hold her hand while walking down the street. I want to wake up everyday by her side, I want to see her sleep beside me, I want to take her to dates and just show her off to the world.

But I can't.

I lost her a long time ago, I let her slip through my fingertips, I didn't treat her the way she deserved. If I could change things I would, this whole situation would be different. But instead of holding her, I left her all alone and went out. I didn't listen to her, to what she wanted. I was too stupid to let her walk away, I should have fought for her, I should have been there when she needed me.

I went down the street, I didn't knew where I was going, but I guess I was going where my feet took me. I walked by the coffee shop we went on our first date.

I looked at her face, she focused on her hands, played with the colourful bracelet she had around her wrist. I smiled, she was beautiful. I took her hands in mine and hold them, not too tight but not too lose neither. She looked up at me and I smiled big, she returned the smile. I took a deep breath and leaned over the small table that was keeping us apart from each other and places a soft kiss on her lips. "You're beautiful" I whispered in her ear and sat back on my chair. Her cheeks got a bright pink colour but she smiled. "Let's get outta here." I said and braided our fingers together and walked out of the coffee shop.

I shook my head and kept going my way. The memories showed up in my head and I swear that for a moment I saw her in front of me, wearing the same dress she wore the night I screwed our relationship up. The night I first saw her cry. I made her cry. I hate myself for that, I hate myself because I couldn't make her happy, I just bought sadness into her life. No wonder why she choose to give up on us.

Her feet hit the hard asphalt, her high heels in her hands. I looked at the blond chick beside me then at her. She turned around and I automatically went after her. "Wait." I said loudly, she didn't stop. She almost started running, "Y/N please wait"
"Just stop, it's not what it looks like"
She turned around, I gazed into her eyes, they were red and swollen. My heart broke in thousand pieces. "I don't want you to try to explain this. I don't want this anymore." I stepped towards her, she took a step back. "Don't" she begged
"Please, I can explain"
"I don't want you to explain. I'm done, leave me alone." She turned around once again and started walking away, I grabbed her wrist and she turned around, to face me this time. I pressed her body against mine. A single tear rolled out of her eye and I wiped it away quickly. "Goodbye Omar." She said then went away. And I let her. I didn't deserve her, she deserved better.

I looked at the door, wanting to knock, or do something. I used to have a key, I never needed to knock, but when she came to my place to take her things she asked for the key, and so gave it to her.

I took a deep breath and knocked, I could hear foot steps coming towards me. She opened the door with a big smile on her face, but it disappeared when she saw me, my heart broke in many more pieces if possible. I opened my mouth but no words came out.
"Who is it?" I heard a guy voice from the living room, I ranged my fists.
"Nobody important" her words cut through me like knives, as she was about to close the door I put my foot in the way, she opened it once again, this time she looked angry at me.
"Please, can I have another chance? I know I screwed things up but please." I whispered, she laughed and I looked up to meet her eyes. "I need you, please."
"You didn't seem to need me when you had me." She said. I looked at the ground. She was right. I didn't appreciate what I had, now I only know I loved her when I let her go. She slammed the door and I let her, once again, slip through my fingers, even tho I never had her in my hands. I looked at the widow and saw them, she smiled at him. She seemed happy, she was happy. As their lips connected I made my way home. I need to accept the fact that I lost the most beautiful girl in my life.

As I walked down the street I took out the cigarettes out of my pocked, put one in between my lips then lighted it. I took the smoke into my mouth then blew it out.
Live goes on, with or without her.


Haaaay! How are y'all? Hope you're doing well. What are your thoughts about this imagine? Did you like it? Leave me some feedback please, I need some. Are you enjoying Christmas break? Have you had a cozy fluffy Christmas? I hope soo, have a great new year and kiss the hell out of a boy at 00:00! Buut until next time, stay bad my llamas!

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