Chapter 60- I'm With You

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Fenn Rau's ship emerged from hyperspace as you took a deep breath and stared at the planet in front of you. Tatooine looked as sandy as ever, no wonder Anakin hated living there, he got pissed at you after you dumped a handful of sand on him, this was a full sand planet.

You steered the ship down towards the desert and landed it close to where you last saw Obi-Wan. You figured that it would be best to retrace your steps in order to find your Master.

You hopped out, put your helmet on, and secured Ahsoka's holocron on your belt, before walking in the direction that would hopefully lead you to Obi-Wan. The Darksaber hung next to the same lightsaber that you've used since you were twelve.

As you walked through the desert, you felt a strong gust of wind blow through you, almost knocking you over. Shaking it off, you continued to walk, but a stronger gust hit you, making you fall to the ground as your helmet fell off.

"What the hell?" You asked nobody.

You paused when you felt a familiar presence behind you. The force was pulling you towards whatever was behind you. The familiarity of the presence, you were drawn to it. You never felt anything like it except for...


You turned around and saw the girl you wanted to spend your life with. The girl you loved.
Standing in front of you, was Ahsoka Tano.

"Hello (y/n)," she said. "I've missed you."
You could hardly find the words to say, so you settled with,

Ahsoka let out a sad laugh at the sight of your cluelessness.
"You have a way with words," she said as you took a step towards her.
"I love you," was all you could say.
"I love you too," Ahsoka said as you took another step to her.

Finally you were within a foot away from her, and still coming closer.
"(Y/n), what are you doing?" Ahsoka asked as you stopped when your faces were two inches from each other.

You lifted a hand to her face and placed it on her cheek softly. You finally smiled when you felt her warm, soft skin on the palm of your hand. Ahsoka placed a hand over yours as you leaned in.

The second your lips touched, fireworks exploded in your stomach, and for the first time since Malachor, you felt complete.

When you pulled away, you smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. She buried her head in your shoulder and smiled.
"I missed doing that with you," she sighed.
"I miss having you next to me," you said.

Ahsoka pulled away from your embrace and looked at you with a sad smile.
"What's wrong," you asked her.
"You already know," Ahsoka said sadly.
You let out a sigh and looked down.
"Yeah, I do," you said. "You can't stay."
Ahsoka nodded and pressed her forehead against yours.

"I'm sorry 'Soka," you said softly.
"For what?" Ahsoka asked looking at you.
"It should've been me," you said. "You didn't have to die, you've done more good in your life than I could ever do. I'm just an idiot that knows how to make a joke."

Ahsoka sighed and placed her hands on your cheeks.
"(Y/n), you will never be just an idiot that knows how to make a joke," she told you. "You're an amazing person, with one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen."

You looked down as Ahsoka kept her hands resting on your face and sighed.
"I haven't been living up to that since Malachor," you said.
"I know you're guilty," she said. "But it was my choice, not yours, don't kick yourself over something that I did."

"How can I not kick myself for leaving you behind?" You asked getting riled up. "All I had to do was find another way in and you could've came back. But I didn't, I just had to leave you behind and go hom—"

Ahsoka cut you off with a short kiss and gently stroked your cheeks to calm you down.
"It wasn't your fault," she said softly.
"I know, but it feels like it was," you said as tears welled up in your eyes.

Noticing your tears, Ahsoka pulled you into a hug as you wrapped your arms around her waist and cried into her shoulder. Ahsoka had her arms around your stomach and was whispering things in your ear.

"It's okay, I love you,"

You leaned back and looked her in the eyes one more time before you leaned in to kiss her.  Ahsoka let her hand travel back to your stomach, right over your scar.

As you continued to kiss Ahsoka, you felt her presence begin to disappear, until she was gone.

You opened your eyes and looked around as everything was sideways. It took you a moment to realize that you were lying on the ground, right where you were after the second gust of wind.

Your helmet was laying two feet in front of your face, so you picked it up as you got to your feet and looked around. The only difference was that the sky was now a deep blue, which meant that you might've been too late.

You looked in the distance as you saw a small campfire and questioned your luck. You began to walk in the direction when a gust of wind blew by you, sending waves through your hair.

You felt a light pressure on your shoulder and smiled to yourself as you sensed her familiar presence. Ahsoka was there.

Once you got within a hundred feet of the campsite, you saw Obi-Wan talking with the familiar man you knew as Maul. You felt yourself tense up as your hand made it's way to the Darksaber hanging at your belt.

Suddenly, Maul ignited his red lightsaber and charged at Obi-Wan, but he never made it.

You saw Maul glance down at the black lightsaber sticking out from his stomach with surprise as he looked at you.
"It's over Maul," you said.
"You have talent," Maul mumbled. "Shame you didn't join us."

You watched him stare at the stars, mumbling about random things that were barely audible, but he did say one last thing that you heard.

"Waist of talent."

And the man who'd been your enemy for more years than you could count, was no longer alive.

You dropped his body and stared at your Master who was watching with great interest.

"I did it Obi-Wan," you said.
"I can clearly see that," Obi-Wan noted. "I'm proud of you."
"For what?"
"You faced your fear of Maul,"

You were shocked at his words.
"I- I don't fear Maul," you stuttered.
"Admit it (y/n)," Obi-Wan said. "What scares you the most?"

The answer instantly came to you. It was the only thing that kept you on the edge after Order 66.
"Ahsoka getting hurt," you said.
"Dig deeper," Obi-Wan put one hand to his beard, his signature pose for when he was thinking.

You thought about it and suddenly you realized that every aspect of Maul was what gave you nightmares. His voice, behavior, the people he's killed.

"Maul," you admitted.
"And that is why I'm proud of you," Obi-Wan smiled.
You smiled back and pulled him into a hug.
"I miss you Obi-Wan," you said.

As much as you would like to stay with him, you had to reunite with your clan, you had to go back to Krownest.
"So do I," Obi-Wan said. "So get going before we both get sentimental."
You smiled and he pat your shoulder one last time before you began your walk back to Fenn Rau's ship. God he was gonna kill you when you returned.


You sat back in the ship as it floated through space, above Tatooine. This was the planet where your connection to Ahsoka never felt stronger, you were scared to leave it all behind.

Suddenly, a gust of wind hit you again and you felt the same light pressure from before, right over your scar. You smiled before shooting the ship into hyperspace. The message was clear.

Ahsoka would always be with you.

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