15. The Lady, the King and the Lord

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While Po, Shen and Tu went through the secret corridors behind, or more inside the walls of the castle, the soldiers guided the peahen through the long main corridor.
The building of King Wang was more a mixture of a rustically castle and a noble palace. Outside it looked like a cold, scary stronghold, but inside, at least of King Wang's rooms, had all sorts of convenience. But not nearly like Shen's palace decoration. Wang's interior equipment was more robust without many details. Tables had not many adornments. No mirrors. The inner walls without wallpapers or pictures. Just stones, but in a light tone. Also, the floor had covered with some carpets, but no marble. The light came not from candles, but from lanterns in iron cages.
The peahen with name Lady Yin-Yu didn't pay attention to it. It had no meaning for her where she went and where she was. Like an obedient child, she followed the oxen until the second floor, where King Wang's private rooms were. The first guard exchanged a few words with another ox guard in front of the door. Then he opened it and asked something in the room. Another deep voice answered and the guard nodded.
The guards walked away while the bouncer showed her the way into the room.
King Wang, a big ox with big horns and furred clothes got up from his big chair.
"Welcome Lady Yin-Yu. I hope, you are satisfied with your abode, aren't you?"
Now for the first time, the peahen raised her eyes. She was standing in a more comfortable room with more decoration and adornment. But still stony walls.

"That's it!" The cicada pointed at a little wooden beam in the wall. "Behind this you can take a look into King Wang's private room."
"Alright." Po said and pushed the wood aside where he looked through two little holes in the wall. "Oh, I can see her. Do you want to take a look, too?"
He looked at Shen. But the lord shirked from a look. "I'm not deaf."
Po snorted. "Spoilsport."
"Please take a seat," he heard King Wang's voice.
Quickly he looked through the two holes again. King Wang had stridden up to her and waved at a smaller chair. Lady Yin-Yu didn't say a word and sat down. Her head still bowed. The ox snorted with a laugh and put a tea cup on the table. But she didn't look at it. Her face was still directed down. But then she moved her beak lips.
"Where are my children?"
A new snorting and Po were afraid he could hit her.
"Is that the only thing what you want to know?" King Wang said a little annoyed. "As I said it before, we have no idea. We lost them after the conquest of your town. We found no corpses. For this reason, I would make too much worry."
She didn't reply and kept her face down while King Wang walked slowly back and forth.
"Your husband was a stupid man! It was his own fault that he goaded me. Nobody threats an ox. That's what he should brand in his brain."
The lady snapped for air weakly. Then she put her wings together and managed to keep her head up. "Why did you give me that privilege?"
"I'm glad you are no fool like your husband," Wang said approvingly. "Well, in light of the fact that you can imagine I can't allow that your husband keeps lord in your city or in my neighborhood anymore. But I can't allow that the city keeps on his own without a ruler and a swayer by its site."
He made a little break before he stood still and stared down at her.
"I appeal to you, and I'm sure you don't act foolishly and reject it. Your husband has to stay in prison, but I will not let him go short, as long as he doesn't behave like a maniac anymore. My jailers complain about him day long."
The peahen closed her eyes and pressed her wings together like she wished it should be over soon. At last King Wang came to the point.
"My suggestion is, you annul the marriage with him and marry me instead."
Now the peahen found more force to stiff her sitting posture.
Po swallowed down a "what?".
"Did you hear that?" he asked hoarsely and tapped on the lord's shoulder.
"Don't touch me!" the lord hissed. "I'm not deaf!"
Po pressed his lips together. "Didn't you understand what he said?!"
"Pssst!" Tu whispered.
Meanwhile, Lady Yin-Yu still didn't say a word. King Wang waved his hoof.
"You don't have to take a decision today. But don't wait too long."
Suddenly, a loud muffled scream came from the corridor behind the door. A guard came in. He was out of breath.
"What's going on?" King Wang asked.
"There is an insurrection in prison!"
King Wang thought he wouldn't hear right, but then he turned back to Yin-Yu.
"You stay here. I will be back every moment."
With loud slam, the door was closed. Shortly after, the peahen sank back on the chair and covered her face. It became silent.
Po cramped his toes. "That's our chance! Let's take her out." He looked at Tu. "Is there a way to come in the room?"
The cicada moved her antennas. "Of course."
"Awesome! Show me the way, companion."
The cicada rolled his eyes, but he did and activated again a stone in the wall. Slowly and quietly, a part of the wall gave in and opened like a revolving door.
Po was ready to run forward, but then he hesitated and looked back. But the lord stood there like he wouldn't be interested.
"Uh, don't you want to go first?"
The peacock lifted his nose. "I will be not the one who runs to her."
He raised his wing in a disgusting way and turned around.
Po narrowed his rolling eyes. "But you came here."
"No discussion!" With that, the lord walked away. "Bring her to the stairs. I will wait there."
For a moment, Po didn't know to say something. "O-okay, I understood. In this case my turn."
Carefully, he pushed the wall door. He sniffed and looked around, just to be sure. Nobody beside her or him was in the room. On tiptoes, he went over to her.
The lady gave no attention to her environment. She gave the impression of being lost in a lonely world. Po felt pity rose inside him. What had such a beautiful, fragile flower done that the lord bores such a deep grudge against her? But there was no time for interpretation. Carefully, Po bent down.
The peahen didn't notice him. Just after he started to whisper some words.
"Uh... hi?"
He swallowed. Her eyes were like dark silver. In tired eyes. But beautiful eyes. The lady didn't seem to be shocked, but also not carefree. Her eyes became bigger and looked at the panda unsurely.
"Don't worry," Po said. "I'm a good friend of your daughter."
Now new life came in her. Quickly, to Po's surprise, she grabbed his arm and looked into his eyes.
"Where is she?!"
"She is... she is in safety," Po answered still blindsided.
"What about my son?!" Was her next quick question.
"He is alive," Po answered truthfully. "But come on. We bring you away."
"Yes, more later. This way."
Gently, he took her wing and pulled her to the hidden secret passageway. Shortly after they had passed it Po closed the door. Then he took her wing again and together they went through the narrow corridor until they came into a hall, where a stone circular stair showed upwards.
The panda looked around. But he couldn't see the white peacock.
Po looked back. The peahen had still a sad expression on her face. Would it come better or worse?
"Well," Po started again. "Here we are."
"Why do we stop?"
He left her wing. "Well, I think, there is someone who wants to talk to you." Again a looked around. "Every moment. I think. Soon."
There was a rustling clangorous sound. Po looked up automatically. In the dim light of the night and darkness in the hidden masonries appeared a white ghostly figure on the top of the stairway.
Po cleaned his throat and pointed upwards.
"This is the one who wants to talk to you."

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